Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB

Making Color Spectrum Plots – Part 2

It was a while ago now, but on4月27日I started explaining how I made this plot, which is from偶像3E(使用MATLAB的数字图像处理, 3rd ed.):

在今天的后续后,我将讨论如何计算频谱的颜色以显示在X轴下。我将使用并指的是几个偶像3Efunctions. These are available to you in马铃薯草Color Toolson theFile Exchange和上GitHub。The entire set of偶像3E功能也在上GitHub



x轴限制应该是什么?换句话说,我们感兴趣的可见波长是什么?您将看到不同地方使用的不同限制。这里使用的限制380nm至780nm,是伯尔尼,R.S.(2000)中给出的限制。Billmeyer and Saltzman's Principals of Color Technology, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ.

lambda = 380:780;

Find XYZ values for the spectral colors

The first computational step is to find the XYZ values for each value of lambda. This computation can be found in the偶像3Efunctionlambda2xyz。但它真的很简单:只是插入CIE XYZ颜色匹配功能,由此返回偶像3EfunctionColorMatchingFunction.

T = colorMatchingFunctions; head(T)
ans = 8×4 table lambda x y z ______ __________ __________ __________ 360 0.0001299 3.917e-06 0.0006061 361 0.00014585 4.3936e-06 0.00068088 362 0.0001638 4.9296e-06 0.00076515 363 0.000184 5.5321e-06 0.00086001 364 0.00020669 6.2082e-06 0.00096659 365 0.0002321 6.965e-06 0.001086 366 0.00026073 7.8132e-06 0.0012206 367 0.00029308 8.7673e-06 0.0013727


ans = 0.0049 0.3230 0.2720

Or we can find the XYZ values for all of the wavelengths we are interested in.

xyz = interp1(t.lambda,[t.x,t.y,t.z],lambda(:));
plot(lambda(:),XYZ) title("XYZ values for spectral wavelengths") 传奇(“X”,“y”,“z”)

Try a simple XYZ to RGB conversion


RGB = XYZ2RGB(XYZ);TrawColorbar(RGB)

(这function牵引彩色is below. It uses the偶像3EfunctioncolorSwatches。)

这对我来说看起来并不是一个非常好的光谱颜色。似乎不平衡,几个斑块似乎大多是一种颜色。这是怎么回事?如果我们绘制RGB值的线绘图,我们可以看到问题。(这Plotrgb.andShadegamutegion.functions are down below.)

close plotrgb(lambda(:),RGB) shadeGamutRegion


I'm going to show you the method used by the偶像3EfunctionspectrumColors。The method is a variation of the one described in: Andrew Young (2012).Rendering Spectra(。检索到2020年7月16日。

Work with linear RGB values


RGB_LIN = XYZ2RGB(XYZ,“色彩”,'linear-rgb');Plotrgb(lambda(:),rgb_lin)title("Linear RGB values for spectral wavelengths")

Heuristic scaling of linear RGB values


The next thing we'll do is scale so that the maximum linear RGB value is 1.0. (Note: Young (2012) divides by a fixed value of 2.34.)

RGB_lin = RGB_lin / max(RGB_lin(:)); plotrgb(lambda(:),RGB_lin)


Y = XYZ(:,2);fork = 1:3 C = RGB_lin(:,k); F = Y ./ (Y - C);%不需要扩展组件values that are already%非负面。f(c> = 0)= 1;RGB_LIN = Y + F. *(RGB_LIN  -  Y);endPlotrgb(lambda(:),rgb_lin)

Next, to get brighter spectral colors, including a good yellow, scale up the linear RGB values, allowing them to get higher than 1.0. Then, for each color, scale all components back down, if necessary, so that the maximum component value is 1.0. Note: [Young 2012] uses a scale factor of 1.85.

RGB_LIN = RGB_LIN * 2.5;s = max(rgb_lin,[],2);s = max(s,1);rgb_lin = rgb_lin ./ s;Plotrgb(lambda(:),rgb_lin)

Smooth the curves


RGB_LIN = CONV2(RGB_LIN,ONE(21,1)/ 21,'same');Plotrgb(lambda(:),rgb_lin)


rgb_lin = min(max(rgb_lin,0),1);


Convert to nonlinear sRGB values suitable for display on a computer monitor.

RGB = lin2rgb(RGB_lin); plotrgb(lambda(:),RGB)


Utility functions

function牵引彩色(rgb_colors) f = figure; f.Position(4) = f.Position(4) / 5; colorSwatches(rgb_colors,0) daspect([40 1 1]) axisoffendfunctionPlotrgb(x,rgb_colors)% Pick the colors we want to use from the normal line color order.C =线(7);blue = c(1,:);Red = C(2,:);绿色= C(5,:);CLF Plot(x,rgb_colors(:,1),'颜色',red); holdonplot(x,rgb_colors(:,2),'颜色',green); plot(x,rgb_colors(:,3),'颜色',blue) holdoff网格on紧的yl = ylim;ylim([min(yl(1)-0.05,-0.05)max(yl(2)+0.05,1.05)])传奇("R","G","B") xlabel(“波长(NM)”)endfunctionShadegamutegion.xl = xlim; xx = [xl(1) xl(2) xl(2) xl(1) xl(1)]; yy = [0 0 1 1 0]; p = patch(xx,yy,[0.5 0.5 0.5],"FaceAlpha",0.1,......"EdgeAlpha",0.1,"HandleVisibility","off");end


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