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Thematic Maps

Convey attribute data on map; contour maps, stem maps, scatter maps


clabelm Add contour labels to map contour display
clegendm Add legend labels to map contour display
contourcbar Color bar for filled contour map display
contourcmap Contour colormap and colorbar for current axes
contourm Project 2-D contour plot of map data
contour3m Project 3-D contour plot of map data
contourfm Project filled 2-D contour plot of map data
lcolorbar Colorbar with text labels
polcmap Create colormap appropriate to political regions
ind2rgb8 Convert indexed image to uint8 RGB image
quiverm Project 2-D quiver plot on map axes
quiver3m Project 3-D quiver plot on map axes
scatterm Project point markers with variable color and area
stem3m Project stem plot on map axes


  • Thematic Maps

    Thematic maps portray attributes of locations and features. For example, a thematic map could show the population density by region, or election results by state.

  • Create Choropleth Map of Population Density

    This example shows how to create a choropleth map, in which the color of each state represents the population density of the state.