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Convert u/v coordinates to azimuth/elevation angles



AzEl= uv2azel (UV)converts theu/vspacecoordinates to their correspondingazimuth/elevation anglepairs.


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Find the corresponding azimuth/elevation representation foru= 0.5 andv= 0.

azel = uv2azel([0.5; 0])
azel =2×130.0000 0

Input Arguments

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Angle inu/vspace, specified as a two-row matrix. Each column of the matrix represents a pair of coordinates in the form [u;v]. Each coordinate is between –1 and 1, inclusive. Also, each pair must satisfyu2+v2≤ 1.

Data Types:double

Output Arguments

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Azimuth and elevation angles, returned as a two-row matrix. Each column of the matrix represents an angle in degrees, in the form [azimuth; elevation]. The matrix dimensions ofAzElare the same as those ofUV.

More About

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U/V Space

Theu/vcoordinates for the positive hemispherex≥ 0 can be derived from thephi and theta angles.

The relation between the two coordinates is

u = sin θ cos ϕ v = sin θ sin ϕ

In these expressions, φ and θ are the phi and theta angles, respectively.

To convert azimuth and elevation touandvuse the transformation

u = cos e l sin a z v = sin e l

which is valid only in the rangeabs(az)≤=90.

The values ofuandvsatisfy the inequalities

1 u 1 1 v 1 u 2 + v 2 1

Conversely, the phi and theta angles can be written in terms ofuandvusing

tan ϕ = v / u sin θ = u 2 + v 2

The azimuth and elevation angles can also be written in terms ofuandv:

sin e l = v tan a z = u 1 u 2 v 2

Phi Angle, Theta Angle

The phi angle (φ) is the angle from the positivey-axis to the vector’s orthogonal projection onto theyzplane. The angle is positive toward the positivez-axis. The phi angle is between 0 and 360 degrees. The theta angle (θ) is the angle from thex-axis to the vector itself. The angle is positive toward theyzplane. The theta angle is between 0 and 180 degrees.

The figure illustrates phi and theta for a vector that appears as a green solid line.

The coordinate transformations between φ/θ andaz/elare described by the following equations

sin e l = sin ϕ sin θ tan a z = cos ϕ tan θ cos θ = cos e l cos a z tan ϕ = tan e l / sin a z

方位角,避署vation Angle

Theazimuth angleof a vector is the angle between thex-axis and the orthogonal projection of the vector onto thexyplane. The angle is positive in going from thexaxis toward theyaxis. Azimuth angles lie between –180 and 180 degrees. Theelevation angleis the angle between the vector and its orthogonal projection onto thexy-plane. The angle is positive when going toward the positivez-axis from thexyplane. By default, the boresight direction of an element or array is aligned with the positivex-axis. The boresight direction is the direction of the main lobe of an element or array.


The elevation angle is sometimes defined in the literature as the angle a vector makes with the positivez-axis. The MATLAB®and Phased Array System Toolbox™ products do not use this definition.

这个数字说明了方位角和海拔高度ation angle for a vector shown as a green solid line.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

See Also