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Model Configuration Parameters: Model Referencing

TheModel Referencingpane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box allows you to specify options for:

  • Including other models in this model

  • Including the current model in other models

The option descriptions use the termthis modelto refer to the model that you are configuring and the termreferenced modelto designate models referenced bythis model.

fo打开配置参数对话框r the top model in a model hierarchy, in the Simulink®Toolstrip, on theModelingtab, clickModel Settings.

fo打开配置参数对话框r the current referenced model, on theModelingtab, click theModel Settingsbutton arrow. Then, in theReferenced Modelsection, selectModel Settings.

Configuration Parameter Description


Option to conditionally, always, or never rebuild model reference targets

Never rebuild diagnostic

Diagnostic action to take when model reference target must be rebuilt

Enable parallel model reference builds

Option to build a model reference hierarchy in parallel whenever possible

MATLAB worker initialization for builds

Options for how to initialize MATLAB®workers for parallel builds

Enable strict scheduling checks for referenced models

Option to check consistency of scheduling and sample time in referenced models

Total number of instances allowed per top model

Number of references to this model that can occur in another model

Propagate sizes of variable-size signals

Option to specify how variable-size signals propagate through referenced models

Minimize algebraic loop occurrences

Option to try to eliminate artificial algebraic loops related to referenced model

Propagate all signal labels out of the model

Option to pass propagated signal names out of referenced model

Use local solver when referencing model

Option to use local solver for referenced model

Model dependencies

User-created files and data that potentially impact simulation results

Perform consistency check on parallel pool

Option to perform checks on parallel pool before starting parallel build

Include custom code for referenced models Option to use custom code in model reference simulation target

Pass fixed-size scalar root inputs by value for code generation

Option to pass scalar input to model by reference or value

See Also

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