
采用金宝appTemplates for HDL Code Generation

HDL编码器™ model templates in Simulink®为您提供针对HDL代码生成的模型的设计模式和最佳实践。您从HDL编码器模型模型之一创建的模型具有其配置参数,并为HDL代码生成设置了求解器设置。要配置HDL代码生成的现有模型,请使用HDLSETUP.

Create Model UsingHDL编码器Model Template

To model hardware for efficient HDL code generation, create a model using an HDL Coder model template.

  1. 打开Simulin金宝appk启动页面。在matlab中®Home tab, select the金宝appbutton. Alternatively, at the command line, enter:


  2. 在里面HDL编码器部分,您会看到针对HDL代码生成预配置的模板。选择模板在Simulink编辑器中打开一个空白模型。金宝app要保存模型,请选择文件>另存为.

  3. To open the Simulink Library Browser and then open theHDL编码器块库,选择Library Browserbutton in the Simulink Editor. Alternatively, at the command line, enter





Complex Multiplier

The Complex Multiplier template shows how to model a complex multiplier-accumulator and manually pipeline the intermediate stages. The hardware implementation of complex multiplication uses four multipliers and two adders.


  • 在里面Configuration Parameters dialog box, inHDL Code Generation>全局设置,Reset type设定为同步.

  • 为了提高速度,Delay将磁带映射到硬件中的寄存器,位于乘数和加法器的输入和输出处。

  • To support the output data of a full-precision complex multiplier, the output data word length is manually specified to be (operand_word_length* 2) + 1.



The MATLAB Arithmetic template contains MATLAB arithmetic operations that infer DSP48s in hardware.

例如,ml_mul_accMATLAB功能block shows how to write a multiply-accumulate operation in MATLAB.HDLFIMATH应用HDL代码生成的定点数学设置。

功能Y = FCN(U1,U2)% design of a 6x6 multipler% same reset on inputs and outputs% followed by an addernt = numerictype(0,6,0);nt2 = numerictype(0,12,0);fm = hdlfimath;persistentu1_reg u2_reg mul_reg add_reg;ifisempty(u1_reg) u1_reg = fi(0, nt, fm); u2_reg = fi(0, nt, fm); mul_reg = fi(0, nt2, fm); add_reg = fi(0, nt2, fm);endmul = mul_reg; mul_reg = u1_reg * u2_reg; add = add_reg; add_reg(:) = mul+add; u1_reg = u1; u2_reg = u2; y = add;


The ROM template is a design pattern that maps to a ROM in hardware.


  • At the output of the lookup table, there is a Delay block withResetType=none.

  • The lookup table is structured such that the spacing between breakpoints is a power of two.


  • The number of lookup table entries is a power of two. For some synthesis tools, a lookup table that has a power-of-two number of entries maps better to ROM. If necessary, pad the table with zeros.



  • 在Simulink, using the Delay block.

  • 在MATLAB, using persistent variables.

    This design pattern also shows how to usecast自动传播数据类型。

The MATLAB code in theMATLAB功能block uses a persistent variable to model the register.

功能y = fcn(u)%单位延迟实现,该实施将映射到硬件中的寄存器persistentu_d;ifisempty(u_d)% defines initial value driven by unit delay at time step 0u_d = cast(0,'like', u);end% return delayed input from last sample time hity = u_d;% store the current inputu_d = u;



在里面shift register subsystem, the轻拍延迟implements the shift operation, and theMATLAB功能,select_tap, implements the output mux.

select_tap, the zero-based address,addr增加1个,因为MATLAB索引是一个基于一个基于一个的。

功能dout = fcn(addr, tdelay) %#codegen addr1 = fi(addr+1,0,5,0); dout = tdelay(addr1);
在生成的代码中,HDL编码器自动省略了增量,因为Verilog®and VHDL®are zero-based.


  • For the轻拍延迟block:

    • 在“块参数”对话框中,在clude current input in output vector未启用。

    • 在“ HDL块属性”对话框中,ResetType设定为none.

  • For theSubsystemblock, in the HDL Block Properties dialog box,FlattenHierarchy设定为.

金宝appHardware Patterns


  • 串行到并行偏移寄存器

  • 检测上升边

  • 检测跌落边缘

  • SR latch

  • RS latch

例如,design patterns for rising edge detection and falling edge detection:

State Machine inMATLAB


To learn more about best practices for modeling state machines, see建模HDL代码生成的状态机.

See Also

