
AUTOSAR Code Generation

Export component XML description and C code for AUTOSAR run-time environment

After creating and developing a Simulink®representation of an AUTOSAR software component, generate code for SIL/PIL testing or for integration into the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). To get started with AUTOSAR modeling, seeAUTOSAR.


Getting Started with Embedded Coder Support Package for AUTOSAR Standard

Generate AUTOSAR-compliant C code and export AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) descriptions from a Simulink® model.

Export AUTOSAR Component XML and C Code

Configurearxmland C code generation for AUTOSAR model.

Model Configuration Parameters: Code Generation AUTOSAR

Parameters for controlling AUTOSAR code generation.

Code Generation with AUTOSAR Library

Use AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library to generate C code that more closely aligns with AUTOSAR schema version 4.0 or higher.

Verify AUTOSAR C Code with SIL and PIL

Verify AUTOSAR software component C code with software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations.

Limitations and Tips

Limitations that apply to AUTOSAR code generation.

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