
SIL and PIL Simulations

What Are SIL and PIL Simulations?

与嵌入式编码器®, you can run software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations of your model. These simulations generate source code for either the top model or part of the model. A SIL simulation compiles and runs the generated code on your development computer. A PIL simulation cross-compiles source code on your development computer, and then downloads and runs the object code on a target processor or an equivalent instruction set simulator.


  • 测试您的模型和生成的代码是否等效。

  • Observe code coverage.

  • Perform code execution profiling.


Through SIL and PIL, you can early on test and fix defects. For example, you can model and test a system component in normal mode. Then, you can reuse your test suites in a SIL or PIL simulation that runs compiled generated code. To check numerical equivalence, you compare normal and SIL or PIL simulation results. You thereby avoid leaving the Simulink®environment to test generated code on a separate infrastructure.

This table describes situations where you can use SIL and PIL.

Situation Use
为正常模式模拟开发的重用测试向量,以验证生成(或旧版)代码的数值输出。例如,重复使用由Simulink Design Verifier™。看What Is Test Case Generation?(Simulink Design Verifier). SIL and PIL

Collect metrics for generated code:

Achieve IEC 61508, IEC 62304, ISO 26262, or DO-178 certification. See嵌入式编码器参考工作流程概述(IEC认证套件)和集成过程的输出测试(DO Qualification Kit). SIL and PIL
Without target hardware, get a convenient alternative to PIL. SIL

With target hardware, for example, an evaluation board or instruction set simulator:

  • Verify behavior of target-specific code, for example, code replacement optimizations, and legacy code. See什么是代码更换?What Is Code Replacement Customization?

  • Optimize the execution speed and memory footprint of your code. In this table, see the information about collecting execution profiling and stack profiling metrics.

  • 调查编译器设置和优化的效果,例如与ANSI®C溢出行为。

不rmal simulation techniques do not account for restrictions and requirements that the hardware imposes, such as limited memory resources or behavior of target-specific optimized code.

For information about running PIL simulations on specific targets, seeSample Custom Targets(Simulink Coder).



The SIL and PIL simulation modes are not designed for the reduction of model simulation times. If you want to speed up the simulation of your model, use the rapid accelerator mode. For more information, seeWhat Is Acceleration?(金宝app模型)。

How SIL and PIL Simulations Work

In a SIL or PIL simulation, code is generated for either the top model or part of the model. With SIL, this code is compiled for and executed on your development computer. With PIL, the code is cross-compiled for the target hardware and runs on the target processor.

通过一个通信信道,仿真软件发送金宝appimulus signals to the code on your computer or target processor for each sample interval of the simulation.

  • 对于顶部模型,Simulink使用金宝app基础或模型工作区的刺激信号。

  • 如果您仅指定了模型的一部分以在SIL或PIL模式下进行模拟,则该模型的一部分保留在Simulink中,并且未针对模型的该部分生成代码。金宝app通常,您将配置模型的这一部分配置为在硬件上执行软件的测试向量。该模型的这一部分可以代表算法的其他部分或算法运行的环境。



SIL或PIL模拟的类型 What Happens in SIL Simulation 在PIL模拟中会发生什么

Specify through:

  • Top-model simulation mode

  • 模型block仿真模式范围

  • 开发计算机上生成的源代码的测试行为。仿真不会测试针对目标硬件编译的代码,因为为开发计算机编译了代码(与目标相比,编译器和不同的处理器体系结构不同)。

  • Generated production code compiled and executed on development computer as separate process, independent of MATLAB®过程。

  • Execution is host/host and nonreal time.

  • 测试您打算在实际目标硬件或指令集模拟器上部署在生产中的对象代码。

  • On development computer, generated production code cross-compiled for target. Object code downloaded and executed on target processor or instruction set simulator.

  • 执行是主机/目标和非真实时间。

  • Simulation runs compiled object code through S-function. S-function communicates with object code executing as standalone application on development computer. SIL block execution is independent of the MATLAB process.

  • Execution is host/host and nonreal time.

  • Simulation runs cross-compiled object code through S-function on development computer. S-function communicates with object code executing as standalone application on target processor or instruction set simulator.

  • 执行是主机/目标和非真实时间。

Code Interfaces for SIL and PIL

执行时,您会生成独立的代码,例如,为单个可部署组件构建顶级模型或右键单击子系统。您可以将独立代码编译并链接到独立的可执行文件中,或将其与其他代码集成在一起。有关独立代码接口的更多信息,请参阅Entry-Point Functions and Scheduling(Simulink Coder).

When you generate code for a referenced model hierarchy, the software generates standalone executable code for the top model and a library module called a模型参考目标对于每个引用模型。当代码执行时,独立执行功能将调用适用的模型参考目标来计算引用的模型输出。有关更多信息,请参阅建立模型参考目标(Simulink Coder).

To integrate generated code with legacy code, use standalone code because the standalone code interface is documented.


SIL and PIL simulations do not provide direct support for custom code interfaces. You can incorporate these interfaces into Simulink as an S-function, for example, using the Legacy Code Tool,S功能构建器, or handwritten code. Then, you can verify the custom code by using SIL and PIL simulations.

This table provides the interfaces that SIL and PIL simulations generate.

SIL/PIL Simulation Code Interface



如果您设置Code interfaceblock parameter toTop model, SIL/PIL simulation generates standalone code interface. Simulation calls standalone code for the model if it exists. Otherwise, simulation generates standalone code by usingslbuild('model')command.

如果您设置Code interfaceblock parameter to模型reference,SIL/PIL模拟生成模型参考代码接口。模拟调用模型参考目标模型block if it exists. Otherwise, simulation generates model reference target by usingslbuild('model','Model ReferencerTwtarget')command.

SIL or PIL block Block uses standalone code interface.

Scheduling Considerations

Item 信息

There are algebraic loops that occur in SIL and PIL simulations but not in normal mode simulations:

  • 单输出/更新功能在代码生成中,优化可以引入代数循环,因为该选项通过组合输出和更新功能引入直接进料。

    单输出/更新功能is not compatible with最小化代数循环发生(in the Subsystem Parameters dialog box andConfiguration Parameters>模型引用pane).最小化代数循环发生allows code generation to remove algebraic loops by partitioning generated code between output and update functions to avoid direct feedthrough.

  • If you generate code for a virtual subsystem, code generation treats the subsystem as atomic and generates the code accordingly. The resulting code can change the execution behavior of your model, for example, by applying algebraic loops, and introduce inconsistencies to the simulation behavior.

    To enable consistent simulation and execution behavior for your model, declare virtual subsystems as atomic subsystems.


Exported functions in feedback loops

If your model has function-call subsystems and you export a subsystem that has context-dependent inputs (for example, feedback signals), the results of a SIL/PIL simulation with the generated code and the results of the normal mode simulation of your model can differ. One approach to make SIL/PIL and normal mode simulations yield identical results is to use功能通话反馈闩锁blocks in your model. You can make context-dependent inputs become context-independent.

嵌入式编码器generates a warning identifying context-dependent inputs of exported function-call subsystems if you setConfiguration Parameters>Diagnostics>连接性>Context-dependent inputsto one of the following:

  • Enable all as warnings

  • 使用本地设置

  • 禁用所有


Imported Data and Function Definitions

Item 信息
Imported data


  • 组件根级别的信号(在I/O边界上)

  • Parameters

  • Global data stores

SIL and PIL simulations do not define storage for other imported data. For example, the simulations do not define storage for imported data associated with:

  • Internal signals (not on the I/O boundary)

  • Local data stores

In these cases, define the storage through custom code included by the component under test or through the PILrtw.pil.RtIOStreamApplicationFrameworkAPI。

看alsoTunable Parameters and SIL/PIL

GetSetcustom storage class

SIL and PIL simulations support theGetSet自定义存储类。SIL/PIL测试安全带提供了C的定义GetSet模拟过程中使用的功能。有关更多信息,请参阅Access Data Through Functions with Custom Storage Class GetSet

AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE)

You can use top-model and模型block SIL/PIL and SIL/PIL block simulations to perform model-based testing of an AUTOSAR software component. The generated code for the AUTOSAR software component is linked with a basic component-specific AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE) to create a test application. This application tests AUTOSAR API calls made by the AUTOSAR software component.


For模型block SIL/PIL, to test the AUTOSAR interface, set theCode interfaceblock parameter toTop model

有关更多信息,请参阅Verify AUTOSAR C Code with SIL and PIL

