

Get金宝appProject file label


label = findLabel(file,categoryName,labelName)
label = findLabel(file,labelDefinition)
label = findLabel(category,labelName)



label= findLabel(file,categoryName,labelName)returns the label and its attached data for the labellabelNamein the categorycategoryNamethat is attached to the specifiedfileor files. Use this syntax when you know the label name and category.


label= findLabel(file,labelDefinition)returns the file label and its attached data for the label name and category specified bylabelDefinition. Use this syntax if you previously got alabelDefinitionby accessing aLabelsproperty, e.g., using a command likemyfile.Labels(1).


label= findLabel(category,labelName)returns the label definition of the label in this category specified bylabelName. Returns an empty array if the label is not found.


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Find all project files with a particular label.

Open the airframe project and create a project object.

sldemo_slproject_airframe; proj = simulinkproject;

Get the list of project files.

files = proj.Files;

Loop through each file. If the file has the extension.m, attach the labelUtility.

forfileIndex = 1:numel(files) file = files(fileIndex); [~, ~, fileExtension] = fileparts(file.Path);ifstrcmp(fileExtension,'.m') addLabel(file,'Classification','Utility');endend

Find all the files with the labelUtilityand add them to a list returned inutility_files_to_review.

utility_files_to_review = {};forjj=1:numel(files) this_file = files(jj); label = findLabel(this_file,'Classification','Utility');if( ~isempty(label))% This is a file labeled 'Utility'. Add to the% list of utility files.utility_files_to_review = [utility_files_to_review; this_file];endend

Open the airframe project and create a project object.

sldemo_slproject_airframe; proj = simulinkproject;

Get a particular file by name.

myfile = findFile(proj,'models/AnalogControl.mdl');

Get a label by name.

label = findLabel(myfile,'Classification','Design');

Alternatively, examine theLabelsproperty of the file to get an array of Label objects, one for each label attached to the file.

labels = myfile.Labels

Index into the Labels property to get the label attached to the particular file.

labeldefinition = myfile.Labels(1)

After you get the label definition from the Labels property, you can use it withfindLabel.

label = findLabel(myfile,labeldefinition);

Open the airframe project and create a project object.

sldemo_slproject_airframe; proj = simulinkproject;

Get a category.

category = proj.Categories(1)
类别=类别与属性:名称:“抚慰心灵fication' DataType: 'none' LabelDefinitions: [1x8 slproject.LabelDefinition]

Get a label definition.

ld = findLabel(category,'Design')
ld = LabelDefinition with properties: Name: 'Design' CategoryName: 'Classification'

Input Arguments

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File to search the labels of, specified as a file object or an array of file objects. You can get the file object by examining the project’s Files property (proj.Files), or usefindFileto get a file by name. The file must be in the project.

的名字parent category for the label, specified as a character vector.

的名字label to get, specified as a character vector.

的名字label to get, specified as a label definition object returned by thefile.Labelproperty.

Category of labels, specified as a category object. Get a category object from theproj.Categoriesproperty or by usingfindCategory.

Output Arguments

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Label, returned as a label object.

Introduced in R2013a

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