
Sources and Sinks

Input and output signals and sequences

Communications Toolbox™ contains System objects, blocks, and functions to produce generate signal source data and noise to simulate communication links. Communications Toolbox also provides System objects, blocks, and functions to display and analyze the performance of your communication system simulation.


Wireless Waveform Generator Create, impair, visualize, and export modulated waveforms


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randi Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers
randerr Generate bit error patterns
Randsrc 使用规定的字母生成随机矩阵
commsrc.combinedjitter Construct combined jitter generator object
commsrc.pattern Construct pattern generator object Create PN sequence generator object
zadoffChuSeq Generate root Zadoff-Chu sequence
mask2shift Convert mask vector to shift for shift register configuration
shift2mask Convert shift to mask vector for shift register configuration
WGN Generate white Gaussian noise samples
biterr Number of bit errors and bit error rate (BER)
eyediagram 生成眼图
scatterplot Generate scatter plot
symerr 计算符号错误和符号错误率的数量


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comm.barkercode Generate bipolar Barker code
comm.BasebandFileReader Read baseband signals from file
comm.GoldSequence Generate Gold sequence
comm.HadamardCode 生成Hadamard代码
comm.KasamiSequence Generate Kasami sequence
comm.OVSFCode 生成OVSF代码
comm.PNSequence 生成伪噪声(PN)序列
comm.RBDSWaveformGenerator Generate RDS/RBDS waveform
comm.WalshCode 从正交代码集生成WALSH代码
comm.BasebandFileWriter 将基带信号写入文件
comm.constellationdiagram 显示输入信号的星座图
comm.eyediagram Display eye diagram of time-domain signals


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Barker Code Generator 生成双巴克代码
Baseband File Reader Read baseband signals from file
Bernoulli二进制发电机 Generate Bernoulli-distributed random binary numbers
Gold Sequence Generator Generate Gold sequence from set of sequences
Hadamard Code Generator 生成Hadamard代码from orthogonal set of codes
Kasami Sequence Generator Generate Kasami sequence from set of Kasami sequences
OVSF Code Generator Generate orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) code from set of orthogonal codes
PN Sequence Generator Generate pseudonoise sequence
Poisson Integer Generator Generate Poisson-distributed random integers
随机整数发生器 Generate integers randomly distributed in specified range
Walsh Code Generator 从正交代码集生成WALSH代码
Baseband File Writer 将基带信号写入文件
Constellation Diagram 显示输入信号的星座图
Eye Diagram Display eye diagram of time-domain signal


Signal Terminology

This section defines important Communications Toolbox terms related to matrices, vectors, and scalars, as well as frame-based and sample-based processing.

Sources and Sinks

Error statistics and plotting.

Random Noise Generators


Spreading Sequences

Comparison of spreading sequences for single and multiuser scenarios in single path and multipath environments.


Create, impair, visualize, and export modulated waveforms.



Export Data to MATLAB

Sending the simulation results to the MATLAB workspace and using MATLAB to analyze the data.