


Validate model-specific C++ class interface against金宝appmodel


[status,msg] = runValidation(obj)


[status,msg] = runValidation(obj)runs a validation check of the specified model-specific C++ class interface against the ERT-based Simulink®model to which it is attached.

Before calling this function, you must call eitherattachToModel, to attach a function prototype to a loaded model, orRTW.getClassInterfaceSpecification, to get the handle to a function prototype previously attached to a loaded model.

Input Arguments

obj Handle to a model-specific C++ class interface control object, such as a handle previously returned byobj=RTW.ModelCPPDefaultClassorobj=RTW.getClassInterfaceSpecification(modelName).

Output Arguments

status Boolean value; true for a valid configuration, false otherwise.
msg Ifstatusis false,msgcontains a character vector of information describing why the configuration is invalid.


To validate a C++ class interface in the Simulink Configuration Parameters graphical user interface, go to theInterfacepane and click theConfigure C++ Class Interfacebutton. This button launches the Configure C++ class interface dialog box, where you can display and configure the step method for your model class. Click theValidatebutton to validate your current model step function configuration. TheValidationpane displays status and an explanation of failures. For more information, seeConfigure Step Method for Your Model Class.