
For Loop

这个例子展示了如何实现一个forloop construct by using Simulink blocks, Stateflow Charts, and MATLAB Function blocks.

C Construct

y1 = 0; for(inx = 0; inx <10; inx++) { y1 = u1[inx] + y1; }

Modeling Pattern for For Loop: For-Iterator Subsystem block

One method for creating aforloop is to use a For Iterator Subsystem block from theSimulink > Ports and Subsystemslibrary.

1. Open example modelex_for_loop_SL.

The model contains a For Iterator Subsystem block that repeats execution of the contents of the subsystem during a simulation time step.

Observe the following settings in the model:

  • Open the For Iterator block. In the Block Parameters dialog box, theIndex-modeparameter isZero-basedand theIteration limitparameter is 10.

  • Open the Unit Delay block. In the Block Parameters dialog box, theInitial Conditions参数是0。这个参数初始化state to zero.

2. To build the model and generate code, pressCtrl + B.

The code implementing theforloop is in theex_for_loop_SL_stepfunction inex_for_loop_SL.c:

/* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ ExternalInputs U; /* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage) */ ExternalOutputs Y; /* Model step function */ void ex_for_loop_SL_step(void) { int32_T rtb_y1; int32_T s1_iter; /* Outputs for Iterator SubSystem: '/For Iterator Subsystem' incorporates: * ForIterator: '/For Iterator' */ for (s1_iter = 0; s1_iter < 10; s1_iter++) { /* Sum: '/Add' incorporates: * Inport: '/u1' * MultiPortSwitch: '/Index Vector' * UnitDelay: '/Unit Delay' */ rtb_y1 = U.u1[s1_iter] + DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* Update for UnitDelay: '/Unit Delay' */ DWork.UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtb_y1; } /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '/For Iterator Subsystem' */ /* Outport: '/y1' */ Y.y1 = rtb_y1; }

Modeling Pattern for For Loop: Stateflow Chart

1. Open example modelex_for_loop_SF.

The chart contains aForloop decision pattern that you add by right clicking inside the chart >Add Pattern in Chart>Loop>For.

2. To build the model and generate code, pressCtrl + B.

The code implementing theforloop is in theex_for_loop_SF_stepfunction inex_for_loop_SF.c:

/* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ ExternalInputs U; /* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage) */ ExternalOutputs Y; /* Model step function */ void ex_for_loop_SF_step(void) { int32_T inx; /* Chart: '/Chart' */ for (inx = 0; inx < 10; inx++) { /* Outport: '/y1' incorporates: * Inport: '/u1' */ Y.y1 += U.u1[inx]; } /* End of Chart: '/Chart' */ }

Modeling Pattern for For Loop: MATLAB Function block

1. Open example modelex_for_loop_ML.

The MATLAB Function Block contains this function:

functiony1 = fcn(u1) y1 = 0;forinx=1:10 y1 = u1(inx) + y1 ;end

2. To build the model and generate code, pressCtrl + B.

The code implementing theforloop is in theex_for_loop_ML_stepfunction inex_for_loop_ML.c:

/* Exported block signals */ real_T u1[10]; /* '/u1' */ real_T y1; /* '/MATLAB Function' */ /* Model step function */ void ex_for_loop_ML_step(void) { int32_T inx; /* MATLAB Function: '/MATLAB Function' incorporates: * Inport: '/u1' */ y1 = 0.0; for (inx = 0; inx < 10; inx++) { y1 += u1[inx]; } /* End of MATLAB Function: '/MATLAB Function' */ }

See Also

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