
Constants and Test Matrices

Pi, Not-a-Number, infinity; Hadamard, Companion, Pascal, and other specialized matrices


eps Floating-point relative accuracy
flintmax Largest consecutive integer in floating-point format
i Imaginary unit
j Imaginary unit
Inf Create array of all Inf values
pi Ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter
NaN Create array of all NaN values
isfinite Determine which array elements are finite
isinf Determine which array elements are infinite
isnan Determine which array elements are NaN
compan Companion matrix
gallery Test matrices
hadamard Hadamard matrix
hankel Hankel matrix
hilb Hilbert matrix
invhilb Inverse of Hilbert matrix
magic Magic square
pascal Pascal matrix
rosser Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem
toeplitz Toeplitz matrix
vander Vandermonde matrix
wilkinson Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix


Missing Data in MATLAB

Handle missing values in data sets.