
Missing Data in MATLAB

Working with missing data is a common task in data preprocessing. Although sometimes missing values signify a meaningful event in the data, they often represent unreliable or unusable data points. In either case, MATLAB® has many options for handling missing data.

Create and Organize Missing Data

MATLAB中缺少值所采用的形式取决于数据类型。例如,数字数据类型,例如double采用NaN(not a number) to represent missing values.

x = [NaN 1 2 3 4];

You can also use themissing表示缺少数字数据或其他类型的数据的价值,例如约会时间,string, 和分类。MATLAB自动转换missingvalue to the data's native type.

xDouble = [缺少1 2 3 4]
xDouble =1×5NaN 1 2 3 4
xDatetime = [missing datetime(2014,1:4,1)]
xDatetime =1x5 datetime array第1至3列NAT 01-JAN-2014 00:00:00 01-FEB-2014 00:00:00列4至5 01-MAR-2014 00:00:00:00 01-APR-2014 00:00:00:00:00
xString = [missing“一种”“ B”“C”“ D”]
xString =1x5 string array<缺少>“ a”“ b”“ c”“ d”
xCategorical = [缺少分类({{'cat1''cat2''cat3''cat4'})]
xCategorical =1x5 categorical array< undefined> cat1 cat2 cat3 cat4

A data set might contain values that you want to treat as missing data, but are not standard MATLAB missing values in MATLAB such asNaN。You can use thestandardizeMissingfunction to convert those values to the standard missing value for that data type. For example, treat 4 as a missingdoublevalue in addition toNaN

xStandard = standardizeMissing(xDouble,[4 NaN])
xStandard =1×5NaN 1 2 3 NaN

Suppose you want to keep missing values as part of your data set but segregate them from the rest of the data. Several MATLAB functions enable you to control the placement of missing values before further processing. For example, use the'MissingPlacement'option with the种类function to moveNaNs到数据的末尾。

xSort = sort(xStandard,'MissingPlacement','last')
xSort =1×51 2 3 Nan Nan

Find, Replace, and Ignore Missing Data

Even if you do not explicitly create missing values in MATLAB, they can appear when importing existing data or computing with the data. If you are not aware of missing values in your data, subsequent computation or analysis can be misleading.

For example, if you unknowingly plot a vector containing aNaN价值,NaN没有出现,因为plotfunction ignores it and plots the remaining points normally.

nandata = [1:9 nan];情节(1:10,Nandata)

但是,如果计算数据的平均值,结果是NaN。在这种情况下,事先知道数据包含一个NaN, 和then choose to ignore or remove it before computing the average.

sundata =平均值(nandata)
meanData = NaN

One way to findNaNs in data is by using theisnanfunction, which returns a logical array indicating the location of anyNaNvalue.

TF = isnan(nanData)
TF =1x10逻辑数组0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Similarly, theismissingfunction returns the location of missing values in data for multiple data types.

tfdouble =ismissing(xDouble)
tfdouble =1x5 logical array1 0 0 0 0
TFdatetime = ismissing(xDatetime)
TFdatetime =1x5 logical array1 0 0 0 0


Xtable = table(xdouble',xdateTime',xstring',xcategorical')
xTable =5×4桌Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ____ ____________________ _________ ___________ NaN NaT   1 01-Jan-2014 00:00:00 "a" cat1 2 01-Feb-2014 00:00:00 "b" cat2 3 01-Mar-2014 00:00:00 "c" cat3 4 01-Apr-2014 00:00:00 "d" cat4
TF = ismissing(xTable)
TF =5 x4逻辑阵列1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Missing values can represent unusable data for processing or analysis. Usefillmissingto replace missing values with another value, or usermmissing完全删除缺失值。

xFill = fillmissing(xStandard,'constant',0)
xFill =1×50 1 2 3 0
xremove =rmmissing(xStandard)
xremove =1×31 2 3

Many MATLAB functions enable you to ignore missing values, without having to explicitly locate, fill, or remove them first. For example, if you compute the sum of a vector containingNaNvalues, the result isNaN。However, you can directly ignoreNaN通过使用'omitnan'option with thesumfunction.

sumNan = sum(xDouble)
sumnan = nan
sumOmitnan = sum(xDouble,'omitnan')
sumOmitnan = 10

See Also

