



您可以使用OutputFcnoption with the following MATLAB®优化功能:

Creating and Using an Output Function

The following is a simple example of an output function that plots the points generated by an optimization function.

函数stop = offun(x,optimvalues,state)stop = false;坚持,稍等;图(x(1),x(2),'。');绘制

您可以使用此输出功能来绘制由fminsearchin solving the optimization problem

最小 X F (( X = 最小 X e X 1 (( 4 X 1 2 + 2 X 2 2 + X 1 X 2 + 2 X 2

To do so,

  1. Create a file containing the preceding code and save it asOUTFUN.M在MATLAB路径上的文件夹中。

  2. 设置值Outputfcn领域options函数句柄的结构outfun

    options = optimset('outputfcn',@outfun);
  3. Enter the following commands:

    保持OBJFUN =@(x)EXP(x(1))*(4*x(1)^2+2*x(2)^2+x(1)*x(2)+2*x(2));[x fval] = fminsearch(objfun,[-1 1],选项)

    These commands return the solution

    x = 0.1290 -0.5323 fval = -0.5689

    and display the following plot of the points generated byfminsearch

Structure of the Output Function


stop = offun(x,optimvalues,state)


  • 停止is a flag that istrueorFalsedepending on whether the optimization routine halts or continues. See停止Flag

  • X是当前迭代算法计算的点。

  • optimValuesis a structure containing data from the current iteration.Fields in optimValuesdescribes the structure in detail.

  • 状态是算法的当前状态。状态s of the Algorithmlists the possible values.

The optimization function passes the values of the input arguments tooutfun在每次迭代中。


示例在Creating and Using an Output Functiondoes not require the output function to preserve data from one iteration to the next. When you do not need to save data between iterations, you can write the output function as a function file and call the optimization function directly from the command line. However, to have an output function to record data from one iteration to the next, write a single file that does the following:

  • Contains the output function as a nested function—seeNested Functions在MATLAB编程基础上,以获取更多信息。

  • 调用优化功能。



The following example uses an output function to record thefminsearchiterates in solving

最小 X F (( X = 最小 X e X 1 (( 4 X 1 2 + 2 X 2 2 + X 1 X 2 + 2 X 2


To run the example, do the following steps:

  1. Open a new file in the MATLAB Editor.

  2. Copy and paste the following code into the file.

    Function [x fval history] = myproblem(x0) history = []; options = optimset('OutputFcn', @myoutput); [x fval] = fminsearch(@objfun, x0,options); function stop = myoutput(x,optimvalues,state); stop = false; if isequal(state,'iter') history = [history; x]; end end function z = objfun(x) z = exp(x(1))*(4*x(1)^2+2*x(2)^2+x(1)*x(2)+2*x(2)); end end
  3. 将文件保存为myproblem.m在MATLAB路径上的文件夹中。

  4. At the MATLAB prompt, enter

    [x fval历史] = myproblem([ -  1 1]);

The functionfminsearch返回X,,,,the optimal point, andFVAL,,,,the value of the objective function at x.

x,fval x = 0.1290 -0.5323 fval = -0.5689

In addition, the output functionMyOutput返回矩阵history,其中包含生成的分寒冷ithm at each iteration, to the MATLAB workspace. The first four rows ofhistory

历史(1:4,:) ANS = -1.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 1.0000 -1.0750 0.9000 -1.0125 0.8500

The final row of points inhistoryis the same as the optimal point,X

历史记录(end,:) ans = 0.1290 -0.5323 objfun(历史记录(end,:))ans = -0.5689

Fields in optimValues

The following table lists the fields of theoptimValuesstructure that are provided by the optimization functionsfminbnd,,,,fminsearch,,,,andFzero

表的“命令行显示标题”列列出了设置时出现的标题展示parameter ofoptions'iTer'

optimValues Field (optimValues.field)




Cumulative number of function evaluations



Function value at current point



迭代number — starts at0





状态s of the Algorithm





The algorithm is in the initial state before the first iteration.


该算法正在执行迭代。在这种状态下,输出函数可以停止优化的当前迭代。您可能希望输出功能停止迭代以提高计算效率。当状态设置为'interrupt',,,,the values ofXandoptimValues是the same as at the last call to the output function, in which状态is set to'iTer'




The algorithm is in the final state after the last iteration.

The following code illustrates how the output function uses the value of状态至decide which tasks to perform at the current iteration.

切换状态案例“ INIT”设置的图或对话框案例“ ITER”%对图或对话框进行更新,根据需要的情况'intrupt'%检查条件对话框或最终情节结束


输出参数停止is a flag that istrueorFalse。The flag tells the optimization function whether the optimization halts (true)或继续(False)。The following examples show typical ways to use the停止Flag.



函数stop = myOutput(x,optimvalues,state)stop = false;%检查目标函数是否小于5。结尾


If you design a UI to perform optimizations, you can have the output function stop an optimization with, for example, a停止button. The following code shows how to do this callback. The code assumes that the停止按钮回调存储值truein theOptimStopField of a手柄structure called伙计们存储在appdata

函数stop = myOutput(x,optimvalues,state)stop = false;%检查用户是否已要求停止优化。stop = getAppData(hobject,'optimstop');

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