

ConvertMATLABdatetime toExceldate number



e= exceltime(t)返回一个doublearray containing Excel®serial date numbers equivalent to the datetime values int. Excel serial date numbers are the number of days and fractional days since 0-January-1900 00:00:00, and do not take into account time zone and leap seconds.

e= exceltime(t,dateType)returns the type of Excel serial date numbers specified bydateType. For example, you can convert datetime values to the number of days since 1-January-1904 00:00:00.


collapse all

Create adatetimearray. Then, convert the dates to the equivalent Excel® serial date numbers.

t = datetime('now') + calmonths(1:3)
t =1x3 datetime array01-Mar-2020 00:20:25 01-Apr-2020 00:20:25 01-May-2020 00:20:25
e = exceltime(t)
e =1×3104× 4.3891 4.3922 4.3952

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input date and time, specified as adatetimearray.

Type of Excel serial date numbers, specified as either'1900'or'1904'.

  • IfdateTypeis'1900', thenexceltimeconverts the datetime values intto the equivalent the number of days and fractional days since 0-January-1900 00:00:00.

  • IfdateTypeis'1904', thenexceltimeconverts the datetime values intto the equivalent the number of days and fractional days since 1-January-1904 00:00:00.

exceltimedoes not account for time zone.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Excel serial date numbers, returned as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array of typedouble. Excel serial date numbers are not defined prior to their epoch (0-January-1900 or 1-January-1904). Excel serial date numbers treat 1900 as a leap year. Therefore, dates after February 28, 1900 are offset by one day relative to MATLAB®serial date numbers, and there is a discontinuity of one day between February 28, 1900 and March 1, 1900.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2014b