

Construct character vector from function handle



c = func2str(fh)constructs a character vector,c, that contains the name of the function associated with the function handle,fh. Iffhis associated with an anonymous function,func2strreturns a character vector that represents the anonymous function.


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Create function handles for both thecosfunction and for an anonymous function, and then convert them to character vectors.

fh = @cos; c = func2str(fh)
c = 'cos'
fh = @(x,y)sqrt(x.^2+y.^2); c = func2str(fh); disp(['Anonymous function: 'c])
Anonymous function: @(x,y)sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)

Create a function that evaluates a function handle for a single input.

Create the following function in a file,evaluateHandle.m, in your working folder.

functionevaluateHandle(fh,x) y = fh(x); str = func2str(fh); disp('For input value: ') disp(x) disp(['The function 'str' evaluates to:']) disp(y)end

Use a function handle to evaluate thesinfunction atpi/2.

fh = @sin; x = pi/2; evaluateHandle(fh,x)
For input value: 1.5708 The function sin evaluates to: 1

Use a function handle to evaluatefor the specified matrix,A.

fh = @(x) x.^2+7; A = [1 2;0 1]; evaluateHandle(fh,A)
For input value: 1 2 0 1 The function @(x)x.^2+7 evaluates to: 8 11 7 8

Input Arguments

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Handle to convert to a character vector, specified as a function handle.


  • You lose variables stored in the function handle when you convert it to a character vector usingfunc2str, and then back to a handle usingstr2func.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced before R2006a