

Orthonormal basis for range of matrix




Q = orth(A)returns an orthonormal basis for therangeofA.The columns ofQare vectors, which span the range ofA.The number of columns inQis equal to therankofA


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Calculate and verify the orthonormal basis vectors for the range of a full rank matrix.

Define a matrix and find the rank.

A = [1 0 1;-1 -2 0; 0 1 -1]; r = rank(A)
r = 3

Ais a square matrix of full rank, the orthonormal basis calculated byorth(A)matches the matrixUcalculated in the singular value decomposition,[U,S] = svd(A,'econ').This is because the singular values ofAare all nonzero.

Calculate the orthonormal basis for the range ofAusingorth

Q = orth(A)
Q =3×3-0.1200 -0.8097 0.5744 0.9018 0.1531 0.4042 -0.4153 0.5665 0.7118

The number of columns inQis equal torank(A).自Ais of full rank,QandAare the same size.

Verify that the basis,Q, is orthogonal and normalized within a reasonable error range.

E = norm(eye(r)-Q'*Q,'fro')
E = 1.0857e-15

The error is on the order ofeps

Calculate and verify the orthonormal basis vectors for the range of a rank deficient matrix.

Define a singular matrix and find the rank.

A = [1 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 1]; r = rank(A)
r = 2

Ais rank deficient, the orthonormal basis calculated byorth(A)matches only the firstr = 2columns of matrixUcalculated in the singular value decomposition,[U,S] = svd(A,'econ').This is because the singular values ofAarenotall nonzero.

Calculate the orthonormal basis for the range ofAusingorth

Q = orth(A)
Q =3×2-0.7071 -0.0000 0 1.0000 -0.7071 0.0000

Ais rank deficient,Qcontains one fewer column thanA

Input Arguments

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Input matrix.

Data Types:single|double
Complex Number Support:Yes

More About

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The column space, orrange, of a matrixAis the collection of all linear combinations of the columns ofA.任何向量,bthat is a solution to the linear equation,A * x =, is included in the range ofAsince you can also write it as a linear combination of the columns ofA


Therankof a matrix is equal to the dimension of the range.


orthis obtained fromUin the singular value decomposition,[U,S] = svd(A,'econ').Ifr = rank(A)the firstrcolumns ofUform an orthonormal basis for the range ofA

Extended Capabilities

See Also


Introduced before R2006a