
Tall Arrays

Arrays with more rows than fit in memory

Tall arrays provide a way to work with data backed by a datastore that can have millions or billions of rows. You can create tall numeric arrays, cell arrays, categoricals, strings, datetimes, durations, or calendar durations, and you can use any of these tall types as variables in a tall table or tall timetable. Many operations and functions work the same way with tall arrays as they do with in-memory MATLAB®arrays, but most results are evaluated only when you request them explicitly usinggather. MATLAB automatically optimizes the queued calculations by minimizing the number of passes through the data. For more information, seeTall Arrays for Out-of-Memory Data.

For more information about integrating with big data systems or compiling tall array algorithms, seeExtend Tall Arrays with Other Products.


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tall Create tall array
datastore Create datastore for large collections of data
gather Collect tall array into memory after executing queued operations
write Write tall array to local and remote locations for checkpointing
mapreducer Define execution environment for mapreduce or tall arrays
tallrng Control random number generation for tall arrays
istall Determine if input is tall array
classUnderlying Class of underlying data in tall array
isaUnderlying Determine if tall array data is of specified class
matlab.tall.transform Transform array by applying function handle to blocks of data
matlab.tall.reduce Reduce arrays by applying reduction algorithm to blocks of data
matlab.tall.movingWindow Apply moving window function to blocks of data
matlab.tall.blockMovingWindow Apply moving window function and block reduction to padded blocks of data


Tall Arrays for Out-of-Memory Data

Learn about tall arrays and perform an example calculation.

Deferred Evaluation of Tall Arrays

How to leverage deferred execution of tall arrays to optimize performance of calculations.


Extract, assign, and view portions of a tall array.

Grouped Statistics Calculations with Tall Arrays

This example shows how to calculate grouped statistics of a tall timetable containing power outage data.



Extend Tall Arrays with Other Products

List of products that enhance capabilities of tall arrays.

Develop Custom Tall Array Algorithms


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