
Azimuth Broadside Converter

Convert azimuth angle to broadside angle or broadside angle to azimuth angle

  • Library:
  • Phased Array System Toolbox / Environment and Target


TheAzimuth Broadside Converterblock converts an angle direction expressed in terms ofBroadside Anglesinto the equivalent azimuth angle or converts from azimuth angle into the equivalent broadside angle. In both cases, you must specify the elevation angle.



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Azimuth angle of direction, specified as a scalar or vector of real-values. Units are in degrees. Whenazis a vector, the dimensions ofazandelmust match.


To enable this port, setConversion Modetoazimuth -> broadside.

Data Types:double

Broadside angle of direction, specified as a scalar or vector of real-values. Units are in degrees. Whenbsdis a vector, the dimensions ofbsdandelmust match.


To enable this port, setConversion Modetobroadside -> azimuth.

Data Types:double

Elevation angle of direction, specified as a scalar or vector of real-values. Units are in degrees. The dimensions ofelmust match the dimensions ofazandbsd.

Data Types:double


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Azimuth angle of direction, returned as a scalar or vector of real-values. Units are in degrees.


To enable this port, setConversion Modetobroadside -> azimuth.

Data Types:double

Broadside angle of direction, returned as a scalar or vector of real-values. Units are in degrees.


To enable this port, setConversion Modetoazimuth -> broadside.

Data Types:double


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broadside -> azimuth Convert direction expressed in broadside and elevation angles to azimuth and elevation angles.
azimuth -> broadside Convert direction expressed in azimuth and elevation angles to broadside and elevation angles.

Introduced in R2014b