

Reflected signal from walking pedestrian


Y= reflect(pedestrian,X,ANG)returns the reflected signal,Y, from incident signals,X, on a pedestrian. The reflected signal is the sum of signals from all body segments.ANGdefines the directions of the incident and reflected signals with respect to the body segments.

Input Arguments

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Pedestrian target model, specified as abackscatterPedestrianobject.

Incident radar signals on each body segment, specified as a complex-valuedM-by-16 matrix.Mis the number of samples in the signal. SeeBody Segment Indicesfor the column representing the incident signal at each body segment.

Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

Directions of incident signals on the body segments, specified as a real-valued 2-by-16 matrix. Each column ofANGspecifies the incident direction of the signal to the corresponding body part. Each column takes the form of an azimuth-elevation pair,[AzimuthAngle;ElevationAngle]. Units are in degrees. SeeBody Segment Indicesfor the column representing the incident direction at each body segment.

Data Types:double

Output Arguments

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Combined reflected radar signals, returned as a complex-valuedM-by-1 column vector.Mequals the same number of samples as in the input signal,X.

Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

More About

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Body Segment Indices

Body segment indices define which columns inXandANGcontain the data for a specific body segment. For example, column 3 ofXcontains sample data for the left lower leg. Column 3 ofANGcontains the arrival angle of the signal at the left lower leg.

Body Segment Indices

Body segment Body segment index
left foot 1
right foot 2
left lower leg 3
right lower leg 4
left upper leg 5
right upper leg 6
left hip 7
right hip 8
left lower arm 9
right lower arm 10
left upper arm 11
right upper arm 12
left shoulder 13
right shoulder 14
neck 15
head 16

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Introduced in R2019a