

(Not recommended) Add folder to path of project

simulinkprojectis not recommended. UsecurrentProjectoropenProjectinstead. For more information, seeCompatibility Considerations.



folderpath= addPath(project,folder)adds a folder in a project to the current project path. The folder must be in the project. The project puts the folders on the MATLAB®search path when it loads and removes them from the path when it closes. To learn more, seeSpecify Project Path.


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sldemo_slproject_airframe; project = simulinkproject;

Create a new folder.

folderpath = fullfile(project.RootFolder,'folder'); mkdir(filepath);

Add this new folder to the project.

projectFile = addFile(project,folderpath);

Add this new folder to the project path.

folderpath = addPath(project,folderpath);

Input Arguments

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Project, specified as a project object. Usesimulinkprojectto create a project object to manipulate a project at the command line.

Path of the folder to add relative to the project root folder, specified as a character vector or string. The folder must be within the root folder.


Output Arguments

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Path folder object containing the specified folder path. The project puts the folders on the MATLAB search path when it loads and removes them from the path when it closes.

Compatibility Considerations

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Not recommended starting in R2019a

Compatibility Considerations

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Not recommended starting in R2019a

Introduced in R2017a