

Display graph of model referencing dependencies with or without library dependencies


depviewopens the模型依赖性查看器. Whileview_mdlrefs还可以打开模型依赖性查看器depviewprovides programmatic options that allow you to open a specific configuration of the Model Dependency Viewer.


depview(sys)opens the Model Dependency Viewer, which displays a graph of dependencies for the model or library specified bysys.


depview(sys,Name,Value)打开模型依赖观众specified by one or moreName,Value配对参数。


collapse all

Open the default Model Dependency Viewer for the modelsldemo_mdlref_depgraph.


In模型Filesview, node appearance corresponds to file type.

Open the Model Dependency Viewer for the modelsldemo_mdlref_depgraphin模型Instancesview with a水平的布局。


In模型Instancesview, node appearance corresponds to simulation mode.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name or path of model or library, specified as a character vector.

Data Types:char

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs ofName,Value参数。Nameis the argument name and价值是相应的值。Namemust appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order asNAME1,Value1,...,Namen,Valuen.


要打开仅显示模型的模型依赖关系查看器,请将此参数设置为'真的'. In this view, node appearance corresponds to file type.


You can only set one of'FileDependenciesExcludingLibraries','FileDependenciesIncludingLibraries', 和'ModelReferenceInstance'to'真的'.

To open a Model Dependency Viewer that shows models and user-defined libraries, use the default setting. In this view, node appearance corresponds to file type.


To set this parameter to'false', 使能够'FileDependenciesExcludingLibraries'或者'ModelReferenceInstance'. You can only set one of'FileDependenciesExcludingLibraries','FileDependenciesIncludingLibraries', 和'ModelReferenceInstance'to'真的'.

To open a Model Dependency Viewer that shows models, user-defined libraries, and built-in libraries, set this parameter to'真的'. In this view, node appearance corresponds to file type.


To enable this option, set'FileDependenciesIncludingLibraries'to'真的'.

To open a Model Dependency Viewer that shows each instance of a model as a separate node in the graph, set this parameter to'真的'. In this view, node appearance corresponds to simulation mode.


You can only set one of'FileDependenciesExcludingLibraries','FileDependenciesIncludingLibraries', 和'ModelReferenceInstance'to'真的'.

To open a Model Dependency Viewer that shows the full path from the top model to each referenced model or library, set this parameter to'真的'. By default, the Model Dependency Viewer shows only the file name in each node. This parameter is available for only the模型Instancesview.


To enable this option, set'ModelReferenceInstance'to'真的'.

To open a Model Dependency Viewer that shows referenced models and libraries to the right of their parents, set this parameter to'真的'. By default, the Model Dependency Viewer shows referenced models and libraries below their parents.

Introduced in R2006b