
Simulink.lookuptable.Table class


Configure table data for lookup table object


An object of theSimulink.lookuptable.Tableclass stores table information for a lookup table. The object resides in theTable财产的Simulink.LookupTableobject. You can use theSimulink.LookupTableobject to store and configure a lookup table for ASAP2 and AUTOSAR code generation.


When you create aSimulink.LookupTableobject, aSimulink.lookuptable.Table对象出现的值Tableproperty.


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Data type of the table data elements, specified as a character vector. You can explicitly specify an integer data type, a floating-point data type, a fixed-point data type, or a data type expression such as the name of aSimulink.AliasTypeobject.

The default value,'auto', means that the table data acquire a data type from the value that you specify in theValueproperty. If you use an untyped expression such as[1 2 3]to setValue, the table data use the data typedouble. If you specify a typed expression such assingle([1 2 3])or anfiobject, the table data use the data type specified by the expression or object.

For more information about data types in Simulink®, seeData Types Supported by Simulink. To decide how to control the data types of table and breakpoint data inSimulink.LookupTableandSimulink.Breakpointobjects, seeControl Data Types of Lookup Table Objects(金宝app仿真软件编码器)。



Data Types:char

Description of the table data, specified as a character vector.

Example:'This lookup table describes the action of a pump.'

Data Types:char

Dimension lengths of the table data, returned as a numeric vector or specified as a character vector.

To use symbolic dimensions, specify a character vector.

Name of a structure field in the generated code, specified as a character vector. This field stores the table data if you configure theSimulink.LookupTableobject to appear in the generated code as a structure.


Data Types:char

Maximum value of the elements of the table data, specified as a numeric, real value of the data typedouble.


Data Types:double

Minimum value of the elements of the table data, specified as a numeric, real value of the data typedouble.


Data Types:double

Physical unit of the elements of the table data, specified as a character vector.


Data Types:char

The table data, specified as a numeric vector or multidimensional array with at least two elements. To control the data type of the table data, use theDataTypeproperty of theSimulink.lookuptable.Tableobject.

When you setDataTypeto'auto', to set theValueproperty, use a typed expression such assingle([1 2 3])or use theficonstructor to embed anfiobject.

Example:[10 20 30; 40 50 60]

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|uint8|uint16|uint32|fi

Copy Semantics

Value. To learn how value classes affect copy operations, seeCopying Objects(MATLAB)。

Introduced in R2016b