



For a Model Advisor object, use the[output,message] = exportReport(ma,destination)method to create a copy of a Model Advisor report. The report includes the most recent results of running checks on the system corresponding to the Model Advisor object and the current selection status of checks, groups, and tasks for the system.

Input Arguments

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Simulink.ModelAdvisorobject for which you want to export the corresponding Model Advisor report.

Path name to report file location.

Output Arguments

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A logical value indicating whether Simulink created a report in location that you specify bydestinationinput argument. A value of1indicates success. A value of0indicates that Simulink did not create a copy of the report in the specified location.

This output argument is empty if a report is created. If a report was not created, this argument contains the reason why.

Introduced in R2006a