
Load Bus Data to Root-Level Input Ports

You can import bus data to top-level input ports by manually specifying the data in theInputconfiguration parameter or by using the Root Inport Mapper tool. For information about importing bus data using the Root Inport Mapper tool, seeImport Bus Data.

Imported Bus Data Requirements

You can import bus (virtual, nonvirtual, or array of buses) data to a top-level input port defined by a bus object (seeSimulink.Bus). In the top-levelInportblock, setData typetoBusand specify the name of a bus object. To specify data values for bus signals, use a structure of:

  • MATLAB®timeseriesobjects

  • MATLABtimetableobjects

  • A combination oftimeseriesandtimetableobjects

Bus elements for which you do not include a field in the structure use ground values. You can use an empty matrix to specify to use ground values.


When you specifytimetabledata to load, thetimetablemust contain data for only one signal.

The structure oftimeseriesortimetable(or both) objects must match the bus elements in terms of:

  • Hierarchy

  • Name of the structure field, which must match the bus element name. (Thenameproperty of thetimeseriesobject does not need to match the bus element name.)

  • Data type

  • Dimensions

  • Complexity

结构字段的顺序not have to match the order of the bus elements.

You can include the structure as an element of aDatasetobject. You can use a structure in a comma-separated list. You can specify an empty matrix in a comma-separated list. The empty matrix uses the ground values for the bus signal.

For example, to load data for input portsin1andin3, and to use ground values for portin2, enter the following in theInput参数:

in1, [], in3


If you use a structure of MATLABtimeseriesobjects for a rootInportblock in a model with multiple rootInportblocks, all rootInportblocks must use MATLABtimeseriesortimetableobjects. Convert any rootInportblock data that usesSimulink.TsArrayorSimulink.Timeseriesobjects to MATLABtimeseriesobjects.

Initialize Bus Signals

You can initialize bus signals, including using partial specification of initialization data. For details, seeSpecify Initial Conditions for Bus Signals.

For details about importing array of bus data to a rootInportblock, seeImport Array of Buses Data.

Limitations for Importing Bus Data to Top-Level Inputs

The signal data that you can use the Root Inport Mapper tool to import and map to a top-levelInportblock can include bus data. You cannot use that tool to map bus signals to a top-level Enable or Trigger block.

You cannot use input ports to import buses in external modes. To import bus data in rapid accelerator mode, useDatasetformat.

Import Bus Data to a Top-Level Inport

This model has twoInportblocks connected toScopeblocks. The data type of theIn1block is inherited (nonbus data) and the data type of theIn2block is defined by the bus objectBusObject. The model has a callback that loadsBusObjectand its sub-busBusObject1.

TheBusObjectbus object has two elements:

  • c

  • s1, which is a nested bus that has two elements:

    • a

    • b

  1. Open themodel.

  2. 创建一个MATLABtimeseriesobject forIn1, for which you want to import nonbus data.

    For example:

    t1 = (1:10)'; d1 = sin(t1); in1 = timeseries(d1,t1);
  3. 创建一个n input structure, which can consist of MATLABtimeseriesobjects or MATLABtimetableobjects, or a combination of those types of objects. Create onetimeseriesortimetableobject for each leaf bus element for which you do not want to use ground values. This example uses ground values for thebbus element, so it does not need atimeseriesortimetableobject for that element.

    t2 = (1:5)'; d2 = cos(t2); in2.c = timeseries(d1,t1); in2.s1.a = timetable(seconds(t2),d2);

    The MATLABtimeseriesobjects that you create must match the corresponding bus elements, as described inImported Bus Data Requirements.

  4. 创建一个Datasetobject and addin1andin2to the data set.

    ds = Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset; ds = ds.addElement(in1,'in1_signal'); ds = ds.addElement(in2,'in2_signal');
  5. In theConfiguration Parameters>Data Import/Export>Inputparameter edit box, enter theDatasetobjectds.

  6. Simulate the model. The Scope block connected to In2 shows the imported bus data.

Get Information About Bus Objects

To determine the number of MATLABtimeseriesobjects and data type, complexity, and dimensions needed for creating a structure oftimeseriesobjects from a bus, use these methods:

  • Simulink.Bus.getNumLeafBusElements

  • Simulink.Bus.getLeafBusElements

For example, for the bus objectBusObject:

num_el = BusObject.getNumLeafBusElements
num_el = 3
el_list = BusObject.getLeafBusElements
el_list = 3x1 BusElement array with properties: Min Max DimensionsMode SampleTime Description Units Name DataType Complexity Dimensions
ans = 1

Create Structures of Timeseries Objects from Buses

If you havetimeseriesobjects defined, you can use them to create a structure oftimeseriesobjects based on a bus object. Use theSimulink.SimulationData.createStructOfTimeseriesfunction. For example, if you have definedtimeseriesobjectsts1,ts2, andts3, and you have a bus objectMyBusObject, you can use this command to create a structure oftimeseriesobjects:

input = Simulink.SimulationData.createStructOfTimeseries(...'MyBusObject',{ts1,ts2,ts3});

The number oftimeseriesobjects in the cell array must match the number of leaf elements in the bus object. The data type, dimensions, and complexity of eachtimeseriesobject must match those attributes of the corresponding bus object leaf node.

Import Array of Buses Data

To import (load) array of buses data using a rootInportblock, use an array of structures of MATLABtimeseriesobjects.


You cannot use anEnable,Trigger,From Workspace, orFrom Fileblock to import data for an array of buses.

Full Specification of Data

You can use logged data for an array of buses signal from a previous simulation as roundtrip input to a root-level Inport in a subsequent simulation run. The logged data is a full specification of data for theInportblock.

If you construct an array of structures of MATLABtimeseriesobjects to specify fully the data to import:

  • Specify the structure fields in the same order as the signals in the bus signals.

  • Do not include more fields in the structure than there are signals in the bus.

    For leaf fields, match exactly the data type, dimensions, and complexity of the corresponding signal in the bus.

Partial Specification of Data

To specify partial data for array of buses, create a MATLAB array of structures with MATLABtimeseriesobjects at the leaf nodes.

The structure that you create to specify partial data must be consistent with these rules:

  • You can omit fields, including leaf nodes and subbranches. You can also omit dimensions. If you do not specify a field, Simulink®uses the ground value for that field.

  • For nested bus nodes, make the dimension of each field equal to, or smaller than, the dimension for the corresponding node of the array of buses.

This example shows how you can specify partial data to be imported using a rootInportblock whose data type is defined as bus objectMyBus. You can open the model (ex_partial_loading_aob_model) and the MATLAB code that defines the data to import (ex_partial_loading_aob_data.m).

When you simulateex_partial_loading_aob_model, you see:

TheinputInportblock uses theMyBusbus object as its data type.

TheMyBusarray of buses includesMyBus(1)andMyBus(2). The port dimension is set to 2 to reflect the two buses in the array of buses, andOutput as nonvirtual busis enabled.

Here are the elements of the array of buses, which includesMyBus(1)andMyBus(2). The color highlighting shows the nodes of the array of buses for which data is being imported.

Here is MATLAB code that defines the data to import. The color that highlights the code matches the color of the corresponding node in the array of buses. To view the code used in this model, open the MATLAB code fileex_partial_loading_aob_data.m.

In the code that defines the import data:

  • ThetimeseriesobjectMyBusValuespecifies the data for the highlighted nodes.

  • ThetimeseriesobjectBTforMyBus(2), becauseBTis a leaf node, it must match exactly the dimensions, data type, and complexity of the corresponding bus element.

  • The structure specifies data forY(2). You can skip the first and last nested buses ofY(that is,Y(1)andY(3)).

This example specifies data forY(2);您可以跳过第一个和最后一个嵌套的公交车Y(that is,Y(1)andY(3)).

在你定义MyBusValuevariable for the import data, set theConfiguration Parameters>Data Import/Export>Inputparameter toMyBusValue.

See Also

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