
Variable-Size Signal Basics

关于Variable-Size Signals

模拟金宝app®信号可以是标量,向量(1-D),矩阵(2-D)或N-D。有关这些类型的信号的信息,请参阅Signal Basicsin the金宝appSimulink用户指南


Creating Variable-Size Signals

You can create variable-size signals in your Simulink model by using:

  • Switch or Multiport Switch blocks with different input ports having fixed-size signals with different sizes. The output is a variable-size signal.

  • 选择器块和Starting and ending indices (port)indexing option. The index port signal can specify different subregions of the input data signal which produce an output signal of variable size as the simulation progresses.

  • 带有输出端口的S功能块为可变大小的信号配置。输出不仅包括值,还包括信号的尺寸。



  • 在模型执行的每个步骤中。

    Various blocks in the model modify the sizes of the signals during execution of the output method.

  • Only during initialization of conditionally executed subsystems.

    Size changes occur during distinct mode-switching events in subsystems such as Action, Enable, and Function-Call subsystems.




相比之下,考虑相同的离散2-Tap Filter block in a Function-Call subsystem. Assume that this subsystem is using the second way to propagate variable-size signals. In this case, the size of the input signal changes from 4 to 1 only at the initialization of the subsystem. At initialization, the subsystem resets all of its states (including the states of the two Unit Delay blocks) to their initial values. Resetting the subsystem ensures no ambiguity on the assignment of states to the input signal of the filter.

Mode-Dependent Variable-Size Signalsshows how you can use the two ways of propagating variable-size signals in a complementary fashion to model complex systems.

Programmatically Determine Whether Signal Line Has Variable Size


示例模型sldemo_varsize_basiccontains a signal一个那是一个下游Switch堵塞。在命令提示下使用命令来确定是否一个has a variable size.

  1. 打开the example model.

  2. Select theblock whose output signal is labeled一个

  3. 在命令提示符下,将模型设置为编译状态(类似于Diagram Update)。


  4. Get a handle to the block output port.

    porthandles = get_param(gcb,'portHandles'); outPortHandle = portHandles.Outport;

  5. 查询程序化参数汇编portdimensionsmodeof the output port.

    varSize = get_param(outPortHandle,“汇编港口模板”
    varSize = 1

    价值of the variablevarSizeis1,这表明信号一个具有可变大小。


  6. 终止模型汇编。


Empty Signals



The initial signal size from anOutportblock in a conditionally executed subsystem varies depending on the parameters you select.

如果您设置可变大小信号的传播尺寸parameter in the parent subsystem toDuring execution, 这初始输出parameter for the Output block must not exceed the maximum size of the input port. If the初始输出parameter value is:

初始输出parameter 初始输出信号大小
A nonscalar matrix 初始输出信号大小是初始输出范围。
标量 The initial output signal size is a scalar.
默认[] 初始输出大小是一个空信号(尺寸都是零)。

如果您设置可变大小信号的传播尺寸parameter in the parent subsystem toOnly when enabling, 这初始输出parameter for the Output block must be a scalar value.

  • When size is repropagated for the input of theOutport块,使用标量参数值的标量扩展设置初始输出值。

  • If the初始输出参数是默认值[],S金宝appimulink将初始输出视为接地值。

  • 如果模型在开始时间没有激活父子系统(t = 0),,,,the current size of the subsystem output corresponding to theOutport块设置为最大尺寸。

  • 当其母体子系统重新传播信号大小时,子系统变量大小输出信号的值也将重置为其初始输出参数值。

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