




pcshow(ptCloud)displays points using the locations and colors stored in the point cloud object.

pcshow(xyzPoints)displays points specified by thexyzPoints矩阵。




pcshow(___,姓名,Value)uses additional options specified by one or more姓名,Value配对参数,使用前面的任何语法。

ax= pcshow(___)returns the plot axes.


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Generate a sphere consisting of 600-by-600 faces.

numFaces = 600; [x,y,z] = sphere(numFaces);

Plot the sphere using the default color map.

数字;pcshow([x(:),y(:),z(:)));标题('Sphere with Default Color Map');xlabel('X');ylabel('Y');zlabel('Z');

Load and display an image for texture mapping.

I = im2double(imread('visionteam1.jpg')); imshow(I);


J = flipud(imresize(I,size(x)));

Plot the sphere with the color texture.


Input Arguments

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Point cloud, specified as aPointCloud目的。该对象包含位置,强度和RGB颜色以呈现点云。

点云属性 Color Rendering Result
地点只要 将Z值映射到当前颜色图中的颜色值。
地点andIntensity 将强度映射到当前颜色图中的颜色值。
地点andColor Use provided color.
地点,Intensity, andColor Use provided color.

Point cloud filename, specified as a character vector or a scalar string. The file must be supported bypcreadPCSHOWcallspcread要从文件中读取点云,但不会将数据存储在MATLAB中®工作区。

Point cloudx,y, andz位置, specified as either anM-by-3或anM-经过-N-经过-3 numeric matrix. ThexyzPointsnumeric matrix containsMorM-经过-N[x,y,z]点。这zvalues in the matrix, which generally corresponds to depth or elevation, determine the color of each point. When you do not specify theC输入颜色,函数映射zvalue to a color in the current colormap.

Point cloud color of points, specified as one of:


Points Input Color Selection 有效值C
xyzPoints Same color for all points ColorSpec (Color Specification)颜色角色向量or a 1-by-3 RGB vector

每个点的不同颜色 M-by-3矩阵或M-经过-N-by-3矩阵,包含每个点的RGB值。

Point cloud color of points, specified as one of:

  • M-经过-1 vector

  • M-经过-Nmatrix

Points Input Color Selection 有效值C
xyzPoints 每个点的不同颜色 Vector orM-经过-N矩阵。矩阵必须包含线性映射到当前颜色的值颜色map

姓名-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of姓名,Value参数。姓名is the argument name andValueis the corresponding value.姓名must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order asNAME1,Value1,...,Namen,Valuen

例子:'垂直线索','向上'sets the vertical axis direction to up.

标记的直径, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of '标记'和一个积极的标量。该值指定点标记的近似直径。MATLAB图形将单元定义为点。大于六的标记尺寸可以降低渲染性能。

Vertical axis, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of '垂直' and'X','Y', 或者'Z'。当您重新加载一个保存的图形时,图上的任何动作将垂直轴重置为z-轴。

Vertical axis direction, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of '垂直线索' and'向上'or'Down'。当您重新加载一个保存的图形时,该图上的任何动作都将方向重置向上方向。

输出轴,指定为逗号分隔对,由'父母' 和图形对象that displays the point cloud visualization.


您无法设置'的价值父母' to auiaxesobject (created using theuiaxes功能)。


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You can set the default center of rotation for the point cloud viewer to rotate around the axes center or around a point. Set the default behavior from theComputer Vision Toolbox Preferences


  • 为了提高性能,PCSHOWautomatically downsamples the rendered point cloud during interaction with the figure. The downsampling occurs only for rendering the point cloud and does not affect the saved points.

  • 观点数据或修改颜色说play values, hover over the axes toolbar and select one of the following options.

    Feature 描述

    点击数据提示到view the data point values for any point in the point cloud figure. For a normal point cloud, the数据提示显示x,y,zvalues. Additional data properties for the depth image and lidar are:

    点云数据 数据值属性
    深度图像(RGB-D传感器) Color, row, column
    Lidar 强度,范围,方位角,高程角,行,柱

    Background color

    点击旋转and then right-click in the figure for background options.


    点击旋转and then right-click in the figure for colormap options. You can modify colornap values for the coordinate and range values available, depending on the type of point cloud displayed.


    点击旋转要将点云图的视角更改为xz,ZX,Yz,zy,xy, 或者theYX飞机。点击Restore View重置视角。

  • PCPLAYERsupports the'OpenGL'option for the渲染器数字仅属性。

Introduced in R2015b