

Write 3-D point cloud to PLY or PCD file



pcwrite(ptCloud,filename)writes the point cloud object,ptCloud, to the PLY or PCD file specified by the inputfilename.

pcwrite(ptCloud,filename,'Encoding',encodingType)writes apointCloudobject,ptCloud, to a PLY file that is in the specified format.


collapse all

ptCloud = pcread('teapot.ply'); pcshow(ptCloud);

load('object3d.mat'); pcwrite(ptCloud,'object3d.pcd','Encoding','ascii'); pc = pcread('object3d.pcd'); pcshow(pc);

Input Arguments

collapse all

File name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The input file type must be a PLY or PCD format file.

For a PLY-file, thepcwritefunction converts an organizedM-by-N-by-3 point cloud to an unorganizedM-by-3 format. It converts the format because PLY files do not support organized point clouds. To preserve the organized format, you can save the point cloud as a PCD-file.

If you do not specify the file name with an extension, the function writes the file in a PLY-format.

Object for storing point cloud, specified as apointCloudobject.

PLY or PCD formatted file, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'Encoding', and either'ascii','binary','compressed'for the file format.

File Format Valid Encodings
PLY 'ascii','binary'
PCD 'ascii','binary', or'compressed'

Introduced in R2015a