

Object for storing a parametric plane model


Construct and store a parametric plane model based on parameters that describe a plane.




model= planeModel(Parameters)constructs a parametric plane model from the 1-by-4paramsinput vector that describes a plane.

Input Arguments

expand all

Plane parameters, specified as a 1-by-4 vector. This input specifies theParametersproperty. The four parameters [a,b,c,d] describe the equation for a plane:

a x + b y + c z + d = 0


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These properties are read-only.

Plane model parameters, stored as a 1-by-4 vector. These parameters are specified by theparamsinput argument.

Normal vector of the plane, stored as a 1-by-3 vector. The [a,b,c] vector specifies the unnormalized normal vector of the plane.

Object Functions

planeModel.plot Plot plane in a figure window


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Load the point cloud.


Display and label the point cloud.

figure pcshow(ptCloud) xlabel('X(m)') ylabel('Y(m)') zlabel('Z(m)') title('Original Point Cloud')

Set the maximum point-to-plane distance (2cm) for plane fitting.

maxDistance = 0.02;

Set the normal vector of the plane.

referenceVector = [0,0,1];

Set the maximum angular distance to 5 degrees.

maxAngularDistance = 5;

Detect the first plane, the table, and extract it from the point cloud.

[model1,inlierIndices,outlierIndices] = pcfitplane(ptCloud,...maxDistance,referenceVector,maxAngularDistance); plane1 = select(ptCloud,inlierIndices); remainPtCloud = select(ptCloud,outlierIndices);

Set the region of interest to constrain the search for the second plane, left wall.

roi = [-inf,inf;0.4,inf;-inf,inf]; sampleIndices = findPointsInROI(remainPtCloud,roi);

Detect the left wall and extract it from the remaining point cloud.

[model2,inlierIndices,outlierIndices] = pcfitplane(remainPtCloud,...maxDistance,'SampleIndices',sampleIndices); plane2 = select(remainPtCloud,inlierIndices); remainPtCloud = select(remainPtCloud,outlierIndices);

Plot the two planes and the remaining points.

figure pcshow(plane1) title('First Plane')

figure pcshow(plane2) title('Second Plane')

figure pcshow(remainPtCloud) title('Remaining Point Cloud')

Introduced in R2015b