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Code Verification

行为生成的代码的验证,traceability, code generation reports

After you generate code, inspect the source code and output results for verification purposes. The code generation report provides an interactive interface for inspecting the generated C/C++ source files, generated data types, and other code insights. Access a subset of information from the code generation report programmatically by using the report information object. You can test the output of generated MEX code against the original MATLAB®code, or you can create custom tests based on the MATLAB unit test classes. You can choose to generate run-time error checks that alert you to errors that occur during code execution.


codegen Generate C/C++ code fromMATLABcode
coder.config CreateMATLABCodercode generation configuration objects
coder.runTest Run test replacing calls toMATLABfunctions with calls to MEX functions
getLineColumn Find locations of beginning and end ofMATLABcode involved in code generation
coder.ignoreConst Prevent use of constant value of expression for function specializations
coder.ignoreSize Prevent code generator from creating function specializations for constant-size expressions


coder.HardwareImplementation Hardware-specific configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLABcode


coder.MexCodeConfig Configuration parameters for MEX function generation fromMATLABcode
coder.CodeConfig Configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLABcode
coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig Configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLABcode withEmbedded Coder


coder.ReportInfo Properties Code generation report information
coder.Summary Properties Summary of code generation fromMATLABcode
coder.File Properties Description of file without text that is involved in code generation
coder.CodeFile Properties Description of file containing text that is involved in code generation
coder.Function Properties Description ofMATLABfunction used in code generation
coder.Method Properties Description of method in aMATLABclass used in code generation
coder.Message Properties Description of message produced during code generation
coder.BuildLog Properties Build logs produced during code generation


Code Generation Reports

Code Generation Reports

View code generation results.

Tracing Generated C/C++ Code to MATLAB Source Code

Generate traceability tags.

Access Code Generation Report Information Programmatically

Access information about code generation such as input files, generated files, and error messages by using a report information object.

Testing Generated Code

Testing Code Generated from MATLAB Code

Verify numerical behavior of generated code.

Verify MEX Functions in the MATLAB Coder App

Compare results of running the original MATLAB function with the results from running the MEX function.

Verify MEX Functions at the Command Line

Test MEX functions withcoder.runTestor thecodegen-testoption.

Unit Test Generated Code with MATLAB Coder

Run MATLAB unit tests on generated code.

Unit Test External C Code with MATLAB Coder

Run MATLAB unit tests on generated code that integrates external C code.

Run-Time Error Detection

Run-Time Error Detection and Reporting in Standalone C/C++ Code

Generate standalone libraries and executables that detect and report run-time errors, such as out-of-bounds array indexing.

Generate Standalone Code That Detects and Reports Run-Time Errors

Detect and fix errors that occur on the target hardware.


Avoid Duplicate Functions in Generated Code

Reduce the occurrence of duplicate functions in the generated code.

Run-time Stack Overflow

Set the value of the maximum stack usage parameter.

Featured Examples