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Working with Persistent Variables

This example shows how to generate a MEX function from a MATLAB function,compute_average, that uses persistent variables. It illustrates that you must clear the state of persistent variables before using the function to compute the average of a new set of values.


There are no prerequisites for this example.

About thecompute_averageFunction

Thecompute_average.mfunction uses two persistent variables, the accumulated sum and the number of values added so far, so that you can call the function with one value at a time.

% y = compute_average(x) % This function takes an input scalar value 'x' and returns the average % value so far. function y = compute_average(x) %#codegen assert(isa(x,'double')); % Input is scalar double % Declare two persistent variables 'sum' and 'cnt'. persistent sum cnt; % Upon the first call we need to initialize the variables. if isempty(sum) sum = 0; cnt = 0; end % Compute the accumulated sum and the number of values so far. sum = sum + x; cnt = cnt + 1; % Return the current average. y = sum / cnt;

The%#codegendirective indicates that the MATLAB code is intended for code generation.

Generate the MEX Function

First, generate a MEX function using the commandcodegenfollowed by the name of the MATLAB file to compile.


By default,codegengenerates a MEX function namedhello_world_mexin the current folder. This allows you to test the MATLAB code and MEX function and compare the results.

Run the MEX Function

(10 + 20 + 100) / 3 = 43.3333

ans = 10
ans = 15
ans = 43.3333

Clear the Internal State of Persistent Variables

Clear the persistent variables by using theclear mexcommand.


Run the MEX Function Again to Calculate the Average of a Different Set of Values

(10 + 20 + 30 + 40) / 4 = 25

ans = 10
ans = 15
ans = 20
ans = 25