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Blocks for Embedded Targets

Blocks for embedded processors and operating systems

You can create models for targeting the same way you create other Simulink®models—by combining standard blocks and C-MEX S-functions.

You can use blocks from the following sources:

  • Hardware support packages, which you can install usingsupportPackageInstaller.

  • The Embedded Targets library (embeddedtargetslib)

  • Blocks from the System Toolboxes products

  • Custom blocks


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Byte Pack Convert input signals touint8vector
Byte Reversal Reverse order of bytes in input word
Byte Unpack Unpack UDPuint8input vector into金宝appdata type values
CAN Pack Pack individual signals into CAN message
CAN Unpack Unpack individual signals from CAN messages
Host SCI Receive Configure host-side serial communications interface to receive data from serial port
Host SCI Setup Configure COM ports for host-side SCI Transmit and Receive blocks
Host SCI Transmit Configure host-side serial communications interface to transmit data to serial port
UDP Receive Receive UDP packet
UDP Send Send UDP message


Model Setup

Configuring the model for code generation.