


您可以通过设置其属性来控制特定图形对象的行为和外观。要设置属性,请从创建它的函数中返回对象作为输出参数。例如,plotfunction returns a chart line object. Then, use dot notation to view and set properties.

p = plot(1:10,1:10); p.LineWidth = 3;
Alternatively, you can set properties using name-value pair arguments when creating the object, such as情节(1:10,1:10,'lineWidth',3)。大多数绘制函数支持名称值对参数。金宝app


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根特性 图形environment and state information
图属性 Control appearance and behavior of figure window
Axes Properties Axes appearance and behavior
极性特性 Polar axes appearance and behavior
地理属性 控制地理轴的外观和行为
TileDchartlayout属性 瓷砖图表布局外观和行为
Area Properties Area chart appearance and behavior
栏属性 Bar chart appearance and behavior
Boxchart属性 Control box chart appearance and behavior
BubbleChart Properties Bubble chart appearance and behavior
Contour Properties 轮廓图的外观和行为
ErrorBar Properties 错误条形图的出现和行为
GeographicBubbleChart属性 Control geographic bubble chart appearance and behavior
热玛普查特性 热图图表外观和行为
Line Properties Chart line appearance and behavior
ParallelCoordinatesPlot属性 Control parallel coordinates plot appearance and behavior
Quiver Properties 颤抖的图表外观和行为
Scatter Properties 散点图的外观和行为
ScatterHistogramChart Properties Control scatter histogram chart appearance and behavior
StackedAxesProperties属性 Appearance and behavior of individual axes in stacked plot
StackedLineChart Properties Stacked plot appearance and behavior
StackedLineProperties Properties Appearance and behavior of individual lines in stacked plot
楼梯特性 Stair chart appearance and behavior
茎特性 Stem chart appearance and behavior
Surface Properties 图表表面外观和行为
WordCloudChart Properties Control word cloud chart appearance and behavior
AnimatedLine属性 Line animation appearance and behavior
图像属性 图像外观和行为
Light Properties Light appearance and behavior
Line Properties 原始线的外观和行为
Patch Properties 补丁外观和行为
Polygon Properties Polygon appearance and behavior
Rectangle Properties 矩形外观和行为
Surface Properties Primitive surface appearance and behavior
Text Properties Axes text appearance and behavior
函数线属性 Line chart appearance and behavior
ImplicitFunctionLine Properties 隐式线图的外观和行为
参数化功能属性 Parameterized line chart appearance and behavior
FunctionContour Properties Function contour chart appearance and behavior
FunctionsUrface属性 Surface chart appearance and behavior
ImplicitFunctionSurface Properties Implicit surface chart appearance and behavior
参数化functionsurface属性 参数化表面图表的外观和行为
组属性 小组对象外观和行为
Transform Properties 改变对象外观和行为
配色栏属性 Colorbar appearance and behavior
传奇属性 传奇外观和行为
BubbleLegend属性 Bubble legend appearance and behavior
分类器属性 具有分类值的控制轴
DatetimeRuler Properties Control axis with datetime values
持续时间属性 Control axis with duration values
数字属性 Control axis with numeric values
地理设备属性 具有地理值的轴的控制外观和行为
Arrow Properties Arrow appearance and behavior
DoubleEndArrow Properties 双端箭头外观和行为
Ellipse Properties 椭圆形的外观和行为
Line Properties 注释线的外观和行为
Rectangle Properties Annotation rectangle appearance and behavior
TextArrow Properties 文字箭头外观和行为
TextBox属性 Text box appearance and behavior


得到 Query graphics object properties
set 设置图形对象属性
重置 将图形对象属性重置为默认值
Property Inspector 开放物业检查员


Modify Graphics Objects



图形objects are the visual components used by MATLAB®to display data graphically.

Access Property Values

You can set and query property values or return them to their original (factory default) values.

Features Controlled by Graphics Objects


Default Property Values


Multilevel Default Values

This example sets default values on more than one level in the hierarchy.

Default Values for Automatically Calculated Properties

When you create a graph, MATLAB sets certain property values appropriately for the particular graph.

How MATLAB Finds Default Values

全部graphics object properties have values built into MATLAB. You can also define your own default values.

Factory-Defined Property Values


