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Determine array equality, treating NaN values as equal



tf = isequaln(A,B)returns logical1(true) ifAandBare equivalent; otherwise, it returns logical0(false). See theInput Argumentssection for a definition of equivalence for each data type.NaN(Not a Number),NaT(Not a Time), undefined categorical elements, andvalues are considered to beequalto other such values.

To treatNaN,NaT,, andvalues as unequal to other such values, useisequal.


tf = isequaln(A1,A2,...,An)returns logical1(true) if all the inputs are equivalent.


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Create two numeric matrices and compare them for equality.

A = zeros(3,3)+1e-20; B = zeros(3,3); tf = isequaln(A,B)
tf =logical0

The function returns logical0(false) because the matrices differ by a very small amount and are notexactlyequal.

Create two structures and specify the fields in a different order.

A = struct('field1',0.005,'field2',2500); B = struct('field2',2500,'field1',0.005);

Compare the structures for equality.

tf = isequaln(A,B)
tf =logical1

Even though the ordering of the fields in each structure is different,isequalntreats them as the same because the values are equal.

Compare the logical valuetrueto the double integer1.

ans =logical1

Notice thatisequalndoes not consider data type when it tests for equality.

Similarly, compare'A'to the ASCII-equivalent integer,65.

ans =logical1

The result is logical1(true) sincedouble('A')equals65.

Create three vectors containing NaN values.

A1 = [1 NaN NaN]; A2 = [1 NaN NaN]; A3 = [1 NaN NaN];

Compare the vectors for equality.

tf = isequaln(A1,A2,A3)
tf =logical1

The result is logical1(true) becauseisequalntreats the NaN values as equal to each other.

Even though the sizes and data types are different,isequalnreturns logical1(true) when comparing a character vector and string scalar that contain the same sequence of characters.

ans =logical1

Input Arguments

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In some cases, the types of the inputs do not have to match:

  • Numeric inputs are equivalent if they are the same size and their contents are of equal value. The test compares both real and imaginary parts of numeric arrays.

  • Tables, timetables, structures, and cell arrays are equivalent only when all elements and properties are equal.

  • 字符串标量和性格vectors containing the same sequence of characters are equivalent.

Some data type comparisons have special considerations involving metadata. If the inputs areall:

  • Structures — Fields need not be in the same order as long as the contents are equal.

  • Ordinal categorical arrays — Must have the same sets of categories, including their order.

  • Categorical arrays that are not ordinal — Can have different sets of categories, andisequalncompares the category names of each pair of elements.

  • Datetime arrays —isequalnignores display format when it compares points in time. If the arrays are all associated with time zones, thenisequalncompares the instants in time rather than the clockface times (for example,01-May-2018 09:00:00 EDTis the same instant as01-May-2018 06:00:00 PDT, soisequalnreturnstrueeven though the clockface times of 9:00 and 6:00 differ).

  • Objects —isequalnreturns logical1(true) for objects of the same class with equal property values.

Series of inputs to be compared, specified as arrays.

In some cases, the types of the inputs do not have to match:

  • Numeric inputs are equivalent if they are the same size and their contents are of equal value. The test compares both real and imaginary parts of numeric arrays.

  • Tables, timetables, structures, and cell arrays are equivalent only when all elements and properties are equal.

  • 字符串标量和性格vectors containing the same sequence of characters are equivalent.

Some data type comparisons have special considerations involving metadata. If the inputs areall:

  • Structures — Fields need not be in the same order as long as the contents are equal.

  • Ordinal categorical arrays — Must have the same sets of categories, including their order.

  • Categorical arrays that are not ordinal — Can have different sets of categories, andisequalncompares the category names of each pair of elements.

  • Datetime arrays —isequalnignores display format when it compares points in time. If the arrays are all associated with time zones, thenisequalncompares the instants in time rather than the clockface times (for example,01-May-2018 09:00:00 EDTis the same instant as01-May-2018 06:00:00 PDT, soisequalnreturnstrueeven though the clockface times of 9:00 and 6:00 differ).

  • Objects —isequalnreturns logical1(true) for objects of the same class with equal property values.


  • The equality of two function handles depends on how they are constructed. For more information, seeCompare Function Handles.

  • isequalnreturns logical0(false) for two objects with dynamic properties, even if the properties have the same names and values.

  • isequalncompares only stored (non-dependent) properties when testing two objects for equality.

  • When comparing two handle objects, use==to test whether objects have the same handle. Useisequalnto determine if two objects with different handles have equal property values.

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