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Reset internal states ofSystem object




reset(obj)resets the internal states and input properties of the System object™ to their initial values.

  • Ifobjwrites or reads a file,resetresets the object to the beginning of the file.

  • Ifobjchanges properties,resetresets the properties to their initial default values.

  • Ifobjuses a random number generation seed,resetresets the seed property.


collapse all

Create aCounterobject and set a property.

obj = Counter; obj.UseIncrement = false
obj = Counter with properties: UseIncrement: 0 UseWrapValue: 1 StartValue: 1 Increment: 1 WrapValue: 10

Reset and release the object.

reset(obj) release(obj)

Input Arguments

collapse all

System object whose state you want to reset.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2010a