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恢复搜索路径factory-installed state


restoredefaultpathresets the MATLAB®search path to the factory-installed state. By default, the search path includes the MATLABuserpathfolder, the folders defined as part of theMATLABPATHenvironment variable, and the folders provided with MATLAB and other MathWorks®下载188bet金宝搏产品。


restoredefaultpathis intended only for situations where MATLAB is experiencing startup problems due to a corrupt search path. For general search path cleanup, seeAlternative Functionality.

If MATLAB fails to initialize properly on startup, then call bothrestoredefaultpathandmatlabrc. For more details, seePath Unsuccessfully Set at Startup.

MATLAB does not support issuingrestoredefaultpathfrom a UNC path name. Doing so might result in MATLAB being unable to find files on the search path. If you do userestoredefaultpathfrom a UNC path name, restore the expected behavior by changing the current folder to an absolute path and then reissuing therestoredefaultpathcommand.

Alternative Functionality

For general search path cleanup, use thermpathfunction or the Set Path dialog box. To open the Set Path dialog box, go to theHometab and in theEnvironmentsection, clickSet Path. Alternatively, use thepathtoolfunction.

Introduced before R2006a