

Convert strings to double precision values



X = str2double(str)converts the text instrto double precision values.strcontains text that represents real or complex numeric values.str可以是字符向量,字符向量的单元格数组或字符串数​​组。如果str是字符向量或字符串标量,然后Xis a numeric scalar. Ifstris a cell array of character vectors or a string array, thenXis a numeric array that is the same size asstr.

r的文本epresents a number can contain digits, a comma (thousands separator), a decimal point, a leading+或者-标志,一个epreceding a power of 10 scale factor, and ani或者ajfor a complex unit. You cannot use a period as a thousands separator, or a comma as a decimal point.

如果str2doublecannot convert text to a number, then it returns aNaNvalue.


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Convert character vectors that represent numbers to double precision values. You can also convert a cell array of character vectors to a numeric array of the same size.

Convert a character vector to a real number.

X = str2double('3.1416')
X = 3.1416

Convert a character vector when it represents a number using exponential notation.

X = str2double('2.998e8')
X = 299800000


X = str2double('1,200.34')
X = 1.2003e+03

Convert a character vector to a complex number.

X = str2double('3.14 + 2.7i')
X = 3.1400 + 2.7000i

Convert a cell array of character vectors to a numeric array.

str = {'2.718','3.1416';'137','0.015'}; X = str2double(str)
X =2×22.7180 3.1416 137.0000 0.0150

Starting in R2016b, you can create string arrays using thestringfunction. You can convert strings to numbers using thestr2doublefunction.

Create a string that represents a number. Convert it to a numeric scalar.

str = string('81470.5')
str = "81470.5"
x = str2double(str)
X = 8.1471e+04

Create a string array representing numbers. Convert it to a numeric array that is the same size.

str = string({'91 .57','95.95','3.57';'79 .22','65.57','84.91'})
str =2x3 string“ 91.57”“ 95.95”“ 3.57”“ 79.22”“ 65.57”“ 84.91”
x = str2double(str)
X =2×391.5700 95.9500 3.5700 79.2200 65.5700 84.9100

Input Arguments

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r的文本epresents numbers, specified as a character vector, a cell array of character vectors, or a string array.

Extended Capabilities
