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Build Process

Set up compiler or IDE, configure and initiate build process, troubleshoot compiler errors



To improve the speed of code execution, consider using available profiling capabilities.


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packNGo Package generated code in ZIP file for relocation
rtw_precompile_libs Rebuild precompiled libraries within model without building model
rtwbuild Build generated code from a model
rtwrebuild Rebuild generated code from model
coder.buildstatus.close 关闭构建状态窗口 Open Build Status window
RTW.getBuildDir Get build folder information from model build information
金宝appsimulink.filegencontrol Specify root folders for files generated by diagram updates and model builds
switchTarget Select target for model configuration set


Build Process Workflows


Generate C code from a model and build an executable program.

Build Models from a Windows Command Prompt Window

Build models by running MATLAB with a batch file.

Rebuild a Model



Reload generated code from the Model Explorer.

Build Integrated Code Within the Simulink Environment

Add support files and control model code generation and builds within the Simulink Environment.



Compile and Debug Generated C Code with Microsoft® Visual Studio®

建立一个Visual Studio®Solution from a model.

Profile Code Execution Speed

Profile execution speed of generated code with TLC hook function interface.

Configure Build Process

Choose Build Approach and Configure Build Process

Build executable programs from generated code.

Template Makefiles and Make Options


Select C or C++ Programming Language

Choose C or C++ as the programming language for code generation.

选择和配置C或C ++编译器

Consider programming language compliance for generated code and select a compiler for the build process.

Troubleshoot Compiler Issues


Run-Time Environment Configuration

Select and configure target environment that best aligns with your application goals

Reports for Code Generation

Access the generated code files and information about the generated code with the code generation report.


Configure a model so that generated code and the build process are set for debugging.

Build Process Considerations

Manage Build Process Folders

Manage folders that the code generator creates.

Manage Build Process Files

Work with generated source files and dependency files that the code generator produces.

Manage Build Process File Dependencies

Work with generated source files and dependency files that the code generator produces.

Add Build Process Dependencies

Add dependency information for external code to the build process.

Build Process Support for Folder Names with Spaces or Special Characters

Troubleshoot build process errors that occur when file system issues prevent file processing.

Executable Program Generation

Build executable programs with the code generator.