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Accept input from Goto block

  • Library:
  • Simulink / Signal Routing

    HDL Coder / Signal Routing

  • 从集团k


TheFromblock accepts a signal from a correspondingGotoblock, then passes it as output. The data type of the output is the same as that of the input from theGotoblock.FromGotoblocks allow you to pass a signal from one block to another without actually connecting them.

For example, this model uses aGotoblock and aFromblock.

A Sine Wave block connects to a Goto block. The corresponding From block connects to a Gain block.

An equivalent model passes theSine Waveblock signal directly to theGainblock.

The Sine Wave block connects directly to the Gain block.

AFromblock can receive its signal from only oneGotoblock, although aGotoblock can pass its signal to more than oneFromblock.

To associate aGotoblock with aFromblock, enter theGotoblock tag in theGoto Tagparameter.

The visibility of aGotoblock tag determines theFromblocks that can receive its signal. For more information, seeGotoGoto Tag Visibility. The block indicates the visibility of theGotoblock tag:

  • A local tag name is enclosed in brackets ([]).

  • A scoped tag name is enclosed in braces ({}).

  • 全球标记名称似乎没有额外的性格cters.

Selecting aGotoblock highlights the correspondingFromblocks.

The two From blocks that corresponds to the selected Goto block is highlighted.

Similarly, selecting aFromblock highlights the correspondingGotoblock.

The Goto block that corresponds to the selected From block is highlighted.

When a subsystem contains a correspondingGotoorFromblock, theSubsystemblock is highlighted.

The From block supportssignal label propagation.



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Signal from connectedGotoblock, output with the same dimensions and data type as the input to theGotoblock.

Data Types:single|double|half|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|Boolean|fixed point|enumerated|bus


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Specify the tag of theGotoblock that forwards its signal to thisFromblock. To change the tag, select a new tag from the drop-down list.

The dropdown list displays theGototags that theFromblock can currently see. An item labeledappears at the end of the list the first time you display the list in a Simulink®session. Selecting this item causes the block to update the tags list to include the tags ofGotoblocks residing in library subsystems referenced by the model containing thisFromblock. Simulink software displays a progress bar while building the list of library tags. Simulink saves the updated tags list for the duration of the Simulink session or until the next time you select the adjacentUpdate Tagsbutton. You need to update the tags list again in the current session only if the libraries referenced by the model have changed since the last time you updated the list.


If you use multipleFromGoto Tag Visibilityblocks to refer to the same Goto tag, you can simultaneously rename the tag in all of the blocks. To do so, use theRename Allbutton in theGotoblock dialog box.

To find the relevantGotoblock, use theGoto Sourcehyperlink in theFromblock dialog box.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:GotoTag
Type:character vector

Updates the list of tags visible to thisFromblock, including tags residing in libraries referenced by the model containing thisFromblock. Update the tags list again in the current session only if the libraries referenced by the model have changed since the last time you updated the list.

Path of theGotoblock connected to thisFromblock. Clicking the path displays and highlights theGotoblock in your model.

Specifies the text to display on theFromblock icon. The options are the block tag, the name of the signal that the block represents, or both the tag and the signal name.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:IconDisplay
Type:character vector
Values:'Signal name' | 'Tag' | 'Tag and signal name'

Model Examples

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean|bus|double|enumerated|fixed point|half|integer|single|string

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


More About

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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

PLC Code Generation
Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™.

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Introduced before R2006a