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Function-Call Generator

Provide function-call events to control execution of a subsystem or model

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  • Simulink / Ports & Subsystems

  • Function-Call Generator block


TheFunction-Call Generatorblock provides function-call events that execute a function-call subsystem or function-call model at the rate you specify with theSample timeparameter. To iteratively execute each function-call block multiple times at each time step, use theNumber of iterationsparameter.

To execute multiple function-call subsystems or models in a specified order, use theFunction-Call Generatorblock with aFunction-Call Splitblock. For an example, seeFunction-Call Split.



expand all

Sends function-call events to the function-call input port of a function-call subsystem or function-call model, that is, a subsystem or model containing aTriggerblock withTrigger typeset tofunction-call.


expand all

Specify the time interval between function-call events to a function-call subsystem or model. If the actual calling rate for the subsystem or model differs from the time interval this parameter specifies, Simulink®displays an error.

By default, the block uses a time interval of1. To set a different interval, enter a valid sample time based on the table inTypes of Sample Time, or specify-1to inherit the time interval from the model.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:sample_time
Type: character vector
Values:'1'| scalar expression | vector expression |'-1'

The value of this parameter can be a vector, where each element of the vector specifies a number of times to execute a function-call subsystem or model. If a vector is specified, then the block outputs a vector of function-call events, which can be split into individual function-call events using aDemuxblock and used to drive multiple function-call subsystems or models.

Suppose that you specifyNumber of iterationsto be[3 2]and connect the output of this block to aDemuxblock, which is connected to the control ports of two function-call subsystems. In this case, the first function-call subsystem executes three times at each time step, and the second function-call subsystem executes two times at each time step.

If, however, you connect the output of this block to a single function-call subsystem or model, the total number of times that the function-call subsystem or model executes per time step is equal to the sum of the vector element values. So in the example above, specifyingNumber of iterationsto be[3 2]and connecting the output of this block to a single function-call subsystem results in the function-call subsystem executing five times at each time step.



Provide function-call once during each time step.


Signed or unsigned integer number. Provide the specified number of function calls at each time step.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:numberOfIterations
Type: character vector

When this parameter isnotselected, the output of this block is expanded into a vector, if necessary, to drive the block(s) to which it is connected. For example, ifNumber of iterationsis set to2andDisallow wide outputis not selected, and the output of this block is connected to aDemuxblock, which is in turn connected to three separate function-call subsystems, then each function-call subsystem receives two function-call events at each time step. A similar result occurs if the output of this block is connected to a Stateflow®chart with multiple events. IfDisallow wide outputis selected in these situations, Simulink produces an error.

Select this parameter to prevent implicit expansion of this block's output signal.

Clear this parameter to allow implicit expansion of this block's output signal when appropriate.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:DisallowWideOutput
Type: character vector

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Introduced before R2006a