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Get Simulink.sdi.Signal object for a signal



signalObj= Simulink.sdi.getSignal(sigID)返回一个Simulink.sdi.Signalobject for the signal in the Simulation Data Inspector that corresponds to the signal ID,sigID.


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This example shows how to access signal data when you create a run in the Simulation Data Inspector.

Generate Data for Run

For this example, create timeseries data for sine and cosine signals.

% Create timeseries workspace datatime = linspace(0, 20, 101); sine_vals = sin(2*pi/5*time); sine_ts = timeseries(sine_vals,time); sine_ts.Name ='Sine, T=5'; cos_vals = cos(2*pi/8*time); cos_ts = timeseries(cos_vals,time); cos_ts.Name ='Cosine, T=8';

Create a Run and Return Signal IDs

You can use theSimulink.sdi.createRunsyntax with multiple return arguments to get the signal IDs more directly instead of accessing the signal IDs through aSimulink.sdi.Runobject.

[runID,runIndex,sigIDs] = Simulink.sdi.createRun('Sinusoids''vars'...sine_ts,cos_ts); cosID = sigIDs(2); cosSig = Simulink.sdi.getSignal(cosID);

Modify Signal Properties and View in the Simulation Data Inspector

You can use theSimulink.sdi.Signalobject to view and modify signal properties and to plot signals in the Simulation Data Inspector.

cosSig.Checked = true; cosSig.AbsTol = 0.05; Simulink.sdi.view cosSig.Name

Input Arguments

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Unique, numeric signal identifier, specified as an integer. The Simulation Data Inspector assigns a signal ID to each signal when a run is created. You can get the signal ID for a signal using one of these functions:

Output Arguments

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Signal that corresponds to the signal ID,sigID,returned as aSimulink.sdi.Signalobject.

Introduced in R2011b