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Consult the Upgrade Advisor

Use the Upgrade Advisor to help you upgrade and improve models with the current release. The Upgrade Advisor can identify cases where you can benefit by changing your model to use new features and settings in Simulink®. The Advisor provides advice for transitioning to new technologies, and upgrading a model hierarchy.

The Upgrade Advisor can also help identify cases when a model will not work because changes and improvements in Simulink require changes to a model.

The Upgrade Advisor offers options to perform recommended actions automatically or instructions for manual fixes.

You can open the Upgrade Advisor in the following ways:

  • From the Model Editor, on theModelingtab, selectModel Advisor>Upgrade Advisor

  • From the MATLAB®command line, use theupgradeadvisorfunction:


  • 另外,from the Model Advisor, clickUpgrade Advisor. This action closes the Model Advisor and opens the Upgrade Advisor.

In the Upgrade Advisor, you create reports and run checks in the same way as when using the Model Advisor.

  • Select the top Upgrade Advisor node in the left pane to run all selected checks and create a report.

  • Select each individual check to open a detailed view of the results in the right pane. View the analysis results for recommended actions to manually fix warnings or failures. In some cases, the Upgrade Advisor provides mechanisms for automatically fixing warnings and failures.


When you fix a warning or failure, rerun all checks to update the results of all checks. If you do not rerun all checks, the Upgrade Advisor might report an invalid check result.

You must run upgrade checks in this order: first the checks that do not require compile time information and do not trigger an Update Diagram, then the compile checks. To guide you through upgrade checks to run both non-compile and compile checks, run the checkAnalyze model hierarchy and continue upgrade sequence. SeeAnalyze model hierarchy and continue upgrade sequence.

For models with no hierarchy, select and run all checks except theAnalyze model hierarchy and continue upgrade sequencecheck.

o的更多信息n individual checks, see

Upgrade Programmatically

To analyze and upgrade models programmatically, use theupgradeadvisorfunction.


For an example showing how to upgrade a whole project programmatically, seeUpgrade Simulink Models Using a Project.

Upgrade Advisor Checks

For advice on upgrading and improving models with the current release, use the following Model Advisor checks in the Upgrade Advisor.

See Also

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