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Create Variant Controls Programmatically

Create and Export Variant Controls

Create control variables, define variant conditions, and export control variables.

  1. Create control variables in the global workspace or a data dictionary.

    FUEL=2; EMIS=1;
  2. Use the control variables to define the control condition using aSimulink.Variantobject.

    LinearController=Simulink.Variant('FUEL==2 && EMIS==1');


    Before each simulation, defineSimulink.Variantobjects representing the variant conditions.

  3. If you saved the variables in the global workspace, select the control variables to export. Right-click and clickSave Asto specify the name of a MAT-file.

Reuse Variant Conditions

If you want to reuse common variant conditions across models, specify variant control conditions usingSimulink.Variantobjects.

ReuseSimulink.Variantobjects to change the model hierarchy dynamically to reflect variant conditions by changing the values of the control variables that define the condition expression.

The example modelAutoSSVarshows the use ofSimulink.Variantobjects to define variant control conditions.


You must useSimulink.Variantobjects to define variant control conditions for AUTOSAR workflows.


Use enumerated types to give meaningful names to integers used as variant control values.

  1. In the MATLAB®Editor, define the classes that map enumerated values to meaningful names.

    classdefsldemo_mrv_CONTROLLER_TYPE < Simulink.IntEnumTypeenumerationNONLINEAR (1) SECOND_ORDER (2)endend
    classdef sldemo_mrv_BUILD_TYPE < Simulink.IntEnumType enumeration PROTOTYPE (1) PRODUCTION (2) end end
  2. DefineSimulink.Variantobjects for these classes in the global workspace.


    Using enumerated types simplifies the generated code because it contains the names of the values rather than integers.

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