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Signal Types

我可以连接多种类型的信号块n a model. For example, a model may contain a control signal to initiate the execution of another block and buses to simplify line routing.

The following table summarizes the types of Simulink®signals.

Name Description
Array 复合信号that provides index-based signal access.
Array of Buses Concatenated signal that contains nonvirtual buses.
Bus 复合信号that provides name-based signal access.
Composite Signal Signal composed of other signals. SeeComposite Signals.
Concatenated Signal Nonvirtual composite signal that provides index-based signal access.
Control Signal Signal used by a block to initiate the execution of another block. For example, a signal that executes a function-call subsystem or an action subsystem. See控制信号.
Matrix Two-dimensional composite signal that provides index-based signal access.
Multidimensional (N-D) Signal 复合信号with more than two dimensions that provides index-based signal access.
Mux Signal Virtual composite signal that provides index-based signal access. Also known as avirtual vector.
Nonscalar Signal Signal with at least one dimension, such as a vector (1-D), matrix (2-D), or multidimensional array (N-D). Nonscalar signals are a type of composite signal.
Nonvirtual Signal Signal that affects simulation and code generation. SeeVirtual and Nonvirtual Signals.
Scalar Signal Signal that supports only one value at a time.
Variable-Size Signal Signal whose size (the number of elements in a dimension), in addition to its values, can change during a model simulation.
Vector One-dimensional composite signal that provides index-based signal access.
Virtual Signal Signal that represents another signal or set of signals. A virtual signal is used for graphical purposes and has no functional effect. SeeVirtual and Nonvirtual Signals.


Acontrol signalis a signal used by a block to initiate the execution of another block. For example, a signal that executes a function-call or action subsystem is a control signal. When you update or simulate a block diagram, Simulink uses a dash-dot pattern to draw lines that represent the control signals.

Composite Signals

You can group multiple signals in acomposite signal, route the signal from block to block, and extract the constituent signals where needed. When you have many parallel signals, composite signals can simplify the appearance of a model and help to clarify generated code. Composite signals can be virtual or nonvirtual.

Types of composite signals include:

  • Virtual buses

  • Nonvirtual buses

  • Mux signals

  • Concatenated signals

  • Arrays of buses

For more information on composite signals, seeTypes of Composite Signals.

Virtual and Nonvirtual Signals

Avirtual signalis a signal that graphically represents other signals or parts of other signals. Virtual signals are purely graphical entities; Simulink ignores them when simulating a model, and they do not exist in generated code. Some blocks, such as theMuxblock, always generate virtual signals. Others, such as theBus Creatorblock, can generate either virtual or nonvirtual signals. A signal is virtual if the block that generates it is virtual.

Anonvirtual signalis a signal that affects simulation and code generation. Some blocks, such as theVector Concatenateblock, always generate nonvirtual signals. A signal is nonvirtual if the block that generates it is nonvirtual.

For information on virtual and nonvirtual blocks, seeNonvirtual and Virtual Blocks.

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