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Exponential negative log-likelihood


nlogL = explike(param,data)
[nlogL,avar] = explike(param,data)
[...] = explike(param,data,censoring)
[...] = explike(param,data,censoring,freq)


nlogL = explike(param,data)returns the negative of the log-likelihood for the exponential distribution.paramis the mean parameter,munlogLis a scalar.

[nlogL,avar] = explike(param,data)returns the inverse of Fisher's information,avar, a scalar. If the input parameter value inparamis the maximum likelihood estimate,avaris its asymptotic variance.avaris based on the observed Fisher's information, not the expected information.

[...] = explike(param,data,censoring)accepts a Boolean vector,censoring, of the same size asdata, which is1for observations that are right-censored and0for observations that are observed exactly.

[...] = explike(param,data,censoring,freq)accepts a frequency vector,freq, of the same size asdata。向量freqtypically contains integer frequencies for the corresponding elements indata, but can contain any nonnegative values. Pass in[]forcensoringto use its default value.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced before R2006a