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Rayleigh random numbers


R = raylrnd(B)
R = raylrnd(B,v)
R = raylrnd(B,m,n)


R = raylrnd(B)returns a matrix of random numbers chosen from the Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter,B.Bcan be a vector, a matrix, or a multidimensional array. The size ofRis the size ofB.

R = raylrnd(B,v)returns a matrix of random numbers chosen from the Rayleigh distribution with parameterB, wherevis a row vector. Ifvis a 1-by-2 vector,Ris a matrix withv(1)rows andv(2)columns. Ifvis 1-by-n,Ris an n-dimensional array.

R = raylrnd(B,m,n)returns a matrix of random numbers chosen from the Rayleigh distribution with parameterB, where scalarsmandnare the row and column dimensions ofR.


r = raylrnd(1:5) r = 1.7986 0.8795 3.3473 8.9159 3.5182

Extended Capabilities

Introduced before R2006a