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Change theMATLABDesktop Language

MathWorks®offers MATLAB®translated into Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. If the locale setting for your system (or display language on Windows®10) is set to Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, you can choose whether to display text in the MATLAB desktop in your system language or in English. Desktop items (such as dialog boxes, button names, and menu items) and error and warning messages appear in the language that you select.

To change the desktop language:

  1. On theHometab, in theEnvironment节中,clickPreferencesand selectMATLAB>General.

  2. Select an option for theDesktop languagepreference. If theDesktop languagepreference is not displayed, then this preference is not supported for your current system configuration.

  3. Restart MATLAB for the preference change to take effect.

Most desktop elements and apps use the language specified by theDesktop languagepreference. However, system dialog boxes, such as file selectors or color pickers, use the operating system display language.

Preference window displaying the MATLAB General Preferences page with the Desktop language preference set to English

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