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Control Simulations with Interactive Displays

Build dashboard for model, interactively tune parameter values, and monitor signal values during simulation

Create an interactive dashboard for your model using a variety of controls and displays available in the Dashboard library and the Customizable Blocks library.

  • Controls connect to variables and block parameters in your model, providing an interface for you to tune values during simulation.

  • Displays connect to signals and display the signal value during simulation.

To design custom dashboard blocks that look like controls and displays in your real system, choose blocks from the Customizable Blocks library. For example, you can create a photorealistic model of the speedometer in a real vehicle.

你可以模拟现实生活中的仪表板和控制盘els by adding blocks from the Dashboard library and the Customizable Blocks library to Simulink®panels. Panels float above the canvas, can be moved to any location over the canvas, and can be minimized when you want to work on the model underneath them. Panels can have multiple tabs, so that you can organize your dashboard blocks into different groups.


espandi tutto

Dashboard Scope Trace signals on scope display during simulation
Display Display signal value during simulation
Gauge Display signal value on circular scale
Half Gauge Display input value on semicircular scale
Quarter Gauge Display input value on quadrant scale
Linear Gauge Display input value on linear scale
Lamp Display color that reflects signal value on lamp
MultiStateImage Display image reflecting input value
Circular Gauge Display signal value during simulation on circular gauge with customizable appearance
Horizontal Gauge Display signal value during simulation on horizontal gauge with customizable appearance
Vertical Gauge Display signal value during simulation on vertical gauge with customizable appearance
Lamp Display color that reflects signal value on lamp with customizable appearance
编辑 Enter new value for parameter
Knob Tune parameter value with dial
Slider Tune parameter value with sliding scale
Push Button Change parameter or variable value using button
Rotary Switch Switch parameter to set values on dial
Radio Button Select parameter value
组合框 Select parameter value from drop-down menu
Check Box Select parameter or variable value
Rocker Switch Toggle parameter between two values
Slider Switch Toggle parameter between two values
Toggle Switch Toggle parameter between two values
Callback Button ExecuteMATLABcode using button
Knob Change parameter or variable value using knob with customizable appearance
Horizontal Slider Change parameter or variable value using horizontal slider with customizable appearance
Vertical Slider Change parameter or variable value using vertical slider with customizable appearance
Push Button Change parameter or variable value using button with customizable appearance
Callback Button ExecuteMATLABcode using button with customizable appearance
Rotary Switch Change parameter or variable value using rotary switch with customizable appearance
Rocker Switch Change parameter or variable value using switch with customizable appearance
Slider Switch Change parameter or variable value using switch with customizable appearance
Toggle Switch Change parameter or variable value using switch with customizable appearance


Simulink.HMI.InstrumentedSignals Save and restore signal logging specification
Simulink.HMI.SignalSpecification Programmatically connect a Dashboard block to a signal
Simulink.HMI.ParamSourceInfo Information about Dashboard block variable and parameter connections
Simulink.SimulationData.Parameter Stores logged parameter data and metadata


Model Dashboards with Panels

Display Signals and Control Parameters with Dashboard Blocks

Learn More About Visualizing Simulation Data