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Solid ellipsoidal element with geometry, inertia, and color

  • 图书馆:
  • Simscape / Multibody / Body Elements

  • 椭圆形固体block



椭圆形固体block adds to the attached frame a solid element with geometry, inertia, and color. The solid element can be a simple rigid body or part of a compound rigid body—a group of rigidly connected solids, often separated in space through rigid transformations. Combine椭圆形固体和其他固体块刚性变换blocks to model a compound rigid body.

几何参数包括形状和大小。你这n choose from a list of preset shapes or import a custom shape from an external file in STL or STEP format. By default, for all but STL-derived shapes, the block automatically computes the mass properties of the solid from the specified geometry and either mass or mass density. You can change this setting in the一世nertia>Typeblock parameter.

A reference frame encodes the position and orientation of the solid. In the default configuration, the block provides only the reference frame. A frame-creation interface provides the means to define additional frames based on solid geometry features. You access this interface by selecting the Create buttonin theFrames可扩展区域。


你这n view the calculated values of the solid mass properties directly in the block dialog box. Setting the一世nertia>Typeparameter to从几何计算causes the block to expose a new node,Derived Values。点击Updatebutton provided under this node to calculate the mass properties and display their values in the fields below the button.

Derived ValuesDisplay


这block dialog box contains a collapsible visualization pane. This pane provides instant visual feedback on the solid you are modeling. Use it to find and fix any issues with the shape and color of the solid. You can examine the solid from different perspectives by selecting a standard view or by rotating, panning, and zooming the solid.

选择“更新可视化”按钮查看可视化窗格中的实体几何体的最新更改。选择申请orOK致力于您的变化。在未经首先选择的情况下关闭块对话框申请orOKcauses the block to discard those changes.


R.ight-click the visualization pane to access the visualization context-sensitive menu. This menu provides additional options so that you can change the background color, split the visualization pane into multiple tiles, and modify the view convention from the default+Z up (XY Top)setting.



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Local reference frame of the solid. This frame is fixed with respect to the solid geometry. Connect this port to a frame entity—port, line, or junction—to resolve the placement of the reference frame in a model. For more information, see与框架一起使用


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椭圆形半径沿着Xy那andZ.axes of the solid reference frame. The ellipsoid becomes a sphere if all radii are equal.

选择Entire Geometryto export the true geometry of the椭圆形固体block which can be used for other blocks, such as theSpatial Contact Force堵塞。


To enable this option, selectEntire Geometryunder theExport


一世nertia parameterization to use. Select点质量to model a concentrated mass with negligible rotational inertia. SelectCustomto model a distributed mass with the specified moments and products of inertia. The default setting,从几何计算,使块能够自动计算旋转惯性特性,从实心几何形状和规定的质量或质量密度。

Parameter to use in inertia calculation. The block obtains the inertia tensor from the solid geometry and the parameter selected. UseDensityif the material properties are known. UseMassif the total solid mass if known.

Mass per unit volume of material. The mass density can take on a positive or negative value. Specify a negative mass density to model the effects of a void or cavity in a solid body.


[x y z]相对于块参考框架的质量中心的坐标。质量中心仅与均匀的引力场中的重心一致。


一世 X X 一世 y y 一世 Z. Z. 的)


  • 一世 X X = V. y 2 + Z. 2 的) D. M.

  • 一世 y y = V. X 2 + Z. 2 的) D. M.

  • 一世 Z. Z. = V. X 2 + y 2 的) D. M.


一世 X y 一世 Z. X 一世 X y 一世 y Z. 一世 Z. X 一世 y Z. 的)


  • 一世 y Z. = V. y Z. D. M.

  • 一世 Z. X = V. Z. X D. M.

  • 一世 X y = V. X y D. M.

Display of the calculated values of the solid mass properties—mass, center of mass, moments of inertia, and products of inertia. Click theUpdate按钮计算和显示固体的质量特性。在块参数的任何更改后单击此按钮,以确保显示的值仍然是最新的。

质量中心在固体的局部参考框架中得到解决。惯性的瞬间和产物各自在分辨率的惯下载188bet金宝搏性框架中分离 - 一个框架,其轴与参考框架的框架平行,但其来源与实体质量中心一致。


计算和显示群众属性的选项是活动的一世nertia>Typeblock parameter is set to从几何计算


Choice of graphic to use in the visualization of the solid. The graphic is by default the geometry specified for the solid. Select标记表示简单的图形标记,例如球体或立方体。将此参数更改为N.oneto eliminate this solid altogether from the model visualization.


Width of the marker in pixels. This width does not scale with zoom level. Note that the apparent size of the marker depends partly on screen resolution, with higher resolutions packing more pixels per unit length, and therefore producing smaller icons.

Parameterizations for specifying visual properties. SelectSimpleto specify diffuse color and opacity. SelectAdvanced指定更多的可视属性,例如Specular ColorAmbient Color发光颜色那andShininess


To enable this parameter, setTypetoFrom Geometryor标记

RGB彩色矢量与红色(R),绿色(G)和蓝色(B)颜色量为0-1比例指定。彩色拾取器提供指定颜色的替代交互式手段。如果你改变了V.isual Propertiessetting toAdvanced,此参数中指定的颜色变为Diffuse Colorvector.


To enable this parameter, set :

  1. Typeto标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoSimple

Graphic opacity, specified as a scalar in the range of 0 to 1. A scalar of 0 corresponds to completely transparent, and a scalar of 1 corresponds to completely opaque.



  1. Typeto标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoSimple



To enable this parameter, set :

  1. Typeto标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoAdvanced

颜色of specular highlights, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector on a 0–1 scale. The optional fourth element specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.



  1. TypetoFrom Geometryor标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoAdvanced

颜色of shadow areas in diffuse ambient light, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector on a 0–1 scale. The optional fourth element specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.



  1. TypetoFrom Geometryor标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoAdvanced

Graphic color due to self illumination, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector on a 0–1 scale. The optional fourth element (A) specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.



  1. TypetoFrom Geometryor标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoAdvanced

Sharpness of specular light reflections, specified as a scalar number on a 0–128 scale. Increase the shininess value for smaller but sharper highlights. Decrease the value for larger but smoother highlights.



  1. TypetoFrom Geometryor标记

  2. V.isual PropertiestoAdvanced



点击Create buttonCreateto open a pane for creating a new body-attached frame. In this pane, you can specify the name, origin, and orientation for the frame.

  • To name the custom frame, click the text field of theFrame Nameparameter. The name identifies the corresponding port on the solid block and in the tree view pane of the Mechanics Explorer.

  • To select theFrame Originof the custom frame, use one of the following methods:

    • At Reference Frame Origin:使新帧原点与固体参考框架的原点一致。

    • At Center of Mass:使新的框架原点与固体的质量重合。

    • 基于Geometric Feature: Make the new frame origin coincident with the center of the selected feature. Valid features include surfaces, lines, and points. Select a feature from the visualization pane, then clickUse Selected Featureto confirm the location of the origin. The name of the origin location appears in the field below this option.

  • 定义自定义框架的方向,如下Frame Axes部分,选择主要轴andSecondary Axisof the custom frame and then specify their directions.

    Use the following methods to select a vector for specifying the directions of the primary and secondary axes. The primary axis is parallel to the selected vector and constrains the remaining two axes to its normal plane. The secondary axis is parallel to the projection of the selected vector onto the normal plane.

    • Along Reference Frame Axis: Selects an axis of the reference frame of the solid.

    • 沿主惯性轴: Selects an axis of the principal inertia axis of the solid.

    • 基于Geometric Feature: Selects the vector associated with the chosen geometry feature of the solid. Valid features include surfaces and lines. The corresponding vector is indicated by a white arrow in the visualization pane. You can select a feature from the visualization pane and then clickUse Selected Featureto confirm the selection. The name of the selected feature appears in the field below this option.

Frames that you have a unique identifying number for each custom frame.

  • 点击text field to edit the name of an existing custom frame.

  • 点击Edit buttonEditto edit other aspects of the custom frame, such as origin and axes.

  • 点击删除button删除to delete the custom frame.


To enable this parameter, create a frame by clicking新框架

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