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Current Measurement

Measure current in circuit


Simscape /电/ Specialized Power Systems / Sensors and Measurements

  • Current Measurement block


The Current Measurement block is used to measure the instantaneous current flowing in any electrical block or connection line. The Simulink®output provides a Simulink signal that can be used by other Simulink blocks.


Output signal

Specifies the format of the output signal when the block is used in a phasor simulation. TheOutput signalparameter is enabled when theSimulation typeparameter of thepowergui块设置为PhasororDiscrete phasor.

Set toComplex(default) to output the measured current as a complex value. The output is a complex signal.

Set toReal-Imagto output the real and imaginary parts of the measured current. The output is a vector of two elements.

Set toMagnitude-Angleto output the magnitude and angle of the measured current. The output is a vector of two elements.

Set toMagnitudeto output the magnitude of the measured current. The output is a scalar value.


Thepower_currmeasureexample uses four Current Measurement blocks to read currents in different branches of a circuit.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a